How would you make this...

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10 Jan 2021
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It's a lid for coffee hopper and about 100mm diameter.

I don't have a lathe or a CNC. How would you successfully and safely make this.
A router with a template
This. You can cut your round templates by fixing your router to a short, narrow plank, and using a screw or nail through the plank as a centre. That way you can have two nail holes to set the inner and outer diameter (remembering to allow for the size of the router bit).
A router is your best bet. If you put the router on a cradle, after you have used it to cut the inner and outer diameters of the rim, as suggested by @Roland then it should be quite easy to machine away the inner area.
You can glue the wood you are working with, onto a wide, base board with cartridge paper in between. The base board in turn can be screwed or clamped to your bench This will allow it to be held firmly, but also allow the finished item to be easily removed, with a pallet knife, after machining.
As an alternative, since you ask how I would do it, I would use a coping saw and rasp/file to cut the disc, and hollow with a couple of gouges, finishing with a scraper
Wood lathe.

  1. blank approx 1.5cm thick cut roughly on a bandsaw to ~125mm diameter
  2. depending on jaws, use a forstner bit to cut a shallow mounting hole - possible 30mm
  3. mount on lathe, turn end flat - this will be the top. Remaining thickness ~1.25cm
  4. sand but don't apply any wax finish yet as stage 7 may be compromised
  5. remove from jaws
  6. mount a second piece of scrap in jaws and repeat to provide a flat square mounting surface
  7. stick blank on to scrap using hot melt glue
  8. turn blank to desired diameter
  9. turn recess
  10. sand and finish
  11. you now have item in the picture
View attachment 187746

It's a lid for coffee hopper and about 100mm diameter.

I don't have a lathe or a CNC. How would you successfully and safely make this.
I'd think use a rounded end router bit and a template for the inside. Logically, you'd cut the concave side first so you can keep the router flat on the workpiece. Then turn it over to cut the outside circle. The tricky bit is going to lining up the second larger template for the outer cut.
Do you have a circle jig for a router? You could drill a hole use that as a centre for the concave cut, then turn it over and use the hole as the centre for the convex cut, then fill the hole. Might look quite good with a contrasting bit of wood for the dowel ?
Hot glue. If you go with a router, route out the blank then hot glue into a temporary holder and route out the hollow