How to bring 2 tons of wall down single-handed

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Clocking on
29 Jan 2017
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Wotton-under-Edge, Glos
Part of my downsizing exercise is to reduce my garage to rubble. Here's today's effort:-


How to do it? the clue is in the post and line.
1. Make sure the wall is free from any returns at both ends
2. Sink a post into the ground and touching the condemned wall
3. Attach a line to the top of the post.
4. attach a chain hoist to some strong point opposite
5. Tie the line to the hoist and keep winding until the wall falls down

Here is the concrete wall downed using the same method:-


In this case there was a big crack in the wall, so the far corner is still intact. This will be dismantled with the help of a jack hammer over the weekend..
Now for the small matter of getting it into the skip
'Did you like that?' as Fred Dibner would have said.
You could have saved some energy by stealing a neighbours car and using it as a battering ram 🤣
Good effort
Oh dear, does remind me of the things we do when young and foolish. Some 50 years ago we lived in an ex-council tip, sorry, house, and the guy who had previously exercised right to buy had built a bizarre, very tall, garage, with a 6" concrete slab as a roof. Decided that would come down easy, so bashed down the end wall, then sledgehammered the side wall until there was just a single brick in the middle holding it up. Took a good swing at the brick with sledge and jumped back. The slab hit the ground in one piece with a heck of a bang. Back doors all the way up the road opened and folk peered out. Like I said, I was young and foolish then.
When we were young & foolish we hung a long length of timber from a beam & used it as a battering ram to knock out a long section of wall leaving it supported just at one end, this was in a derelict warehouse scheduled for demolition, it was two stories & the walls were two ft thick at the base. In the end we bottled it & went outside, one of the lads went back in & knocked the last rock out, there was a terrible rumbling crash as the entire wall about 25ft long came down, we ran back thinking to dig him out but he came flying out through the doorway in a cloud of dust laughing like a loon!
2 walls now in the skip with the help of my daughter and hubby. About 80 blocks recoverable.
The end wall is being retained as there iis a wood store on the other side.
You packed that well, cant tell if that's a 6 or 8 yard , we only have 6's for heavy loads.
You packed that well, cant tell if that's a 6 or 8 yard , we only have 6's for heavy loads.
As above, they might not take it, if its too heavy. Chains can only take so much.
I have watched them 'swing' on heavy loads. Filled one with soil, packing it down as we went and the truck really struggled to get the skip fully on to the bed. The driver swung it back and forth a few times before letting it drop into place.
As above, they might not take it, if its too heavy. Chains can only take so much.
I have watched them 'swing' on heavy loads. Filled one with soil, packing it down as we went and the truck really struggled to get the skip fully on to the bed. The driver swung it back and forth a few times before letting it drop into place.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I calculated the weight and told them what I'd got and they recommended a 6yd.
When he's loading it, dont stand anywhere near ;)

When our skip driver was trying to load the skip I had to quickly run over and pull my boss's partner out of the way, she was standing at the back of the truck watching the driver swing it back and forth. She was in the direct firing line should it happen to break, and probably unsurvivable :LOL:
She thought it was fun to watch, but hadn't realized the danger she put herself in. I literally poo'd myself when i looked out to see her watching the skip swinging above her head :LOL:
I admire a neatly maximised skip like that but for that I'd have been lazy and got a grab in to pick it up off the floor where it fell.
As above, they might not take it, if its too heavy. Chains can only take so much.
I have watched them 'swing' on heavy loads. Filled one with soil, packing it down as we went and the truck really struggled to get the skip fully on to the bed. The driver swung it back and forth a few times before letting it drop into place.
The skip was returned this afternoon without comment. It contained 6.42 tonnes.