Rorschach":1w4ffap0 said:
He's talking rubbish, I wouldn't waste your time.
The same has been said of you more than once pal, so mind your manners, lest you be tarred with the same brush.
I'm quite inclined to go trawling through the forum to quote all the times you've been accused of "talking rubbish" over the years, and I have no doubt there will be enough to prove you a hypocrite.
Our opinions differ on that subject, fine, but to basically say in effect "nothing he says has any validity, so don't waste your time" is incredibly disrespectful. I'm certain if I knew more about your life there will be plenty of things about your viewpoints and lifestyle that myself (and others) could berate you for, none of us are perfect and you'd do well to remember that.
Put me on ignore if you desire, we'll prolly both be better off, but that's YOUR choice alone and one you have no rights to suggest to others based on your own opinions.
Regardless of what you think about my brexit views, and it's quite likely that I know more than you on the subject because of other people I know who've been very forthcoming in thier information and have been far closer to the action than most others here, you have no valid basis to write off EVERYTHING that I might post as "rubbish", because for the woodworking aspects of the forum I DO have some knowledge worth imparting on occasion, even if just to reinforce what another may have said before me - I've been on this forum for quite some time and despite what you might personally think of me, some of the wealth of knowledge I've learned here from the generosity of others has actually rubbed off.
But you keep being you rorshach, it's all you'll ever be.
Yet another reason why I come here less and less.