I'm not talking about a specific piece of timber. In general how do you go about identifying wood?
Firstly, whatever it is it’s always TREEWOOD....as long as it’s not metal or plastic.
Seriously..... look at the general colour, and the grain pattern. Is it very pale/darker. If it’s very pale...pine, ash, holly. Yellowish, Brown, shades of red, very dark, i.e ebony, even greenish, teak? Is it light or heavy? And if it’s freshly cut, it’s smell, and texture. For example teak has a very distinct smell and an oily texture, but it can be pale brown. greenish, pale yellow specially when cut, and often darkens when open to the air.
And so it goes on....a question of possibilities....and a process of elimination.
And the big one of course......experience!
The biggest conundrum is some timbers are known by different names.....!
For instance ‘mahogany’ is a generic term for several look-alikes. Spanish, sapele, Cuban (very dark and heavy) etc.
At the end of the day, I don’t think anyone can know anywhere near all of them. except those in common use.
If you REALLY want to know...the ONLY way is to have it identified scientifically under a microscope!
Best of luck....
If my ‘gov’ner’ didn’t know if asked...he always answered “some sort of fruitwood”! Hope this helps a bit.