How do I remove a large engine oil stain on my resin drive?

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Hi, Thanks for your comment but in my case the oil has sort of dried up over the seven weeks. I have managed to remove the top layer by disolving it with Gunk but there is still a substantial stain.
Resin stone drives allow water to permeate through, it does on our drive.
Hi, My resin drive is now afew years old and It idoes allow water to penetrate it which,of course,allows any other liquid through as well eg Gunk,hot water etc so gives you lttlle time to work it. I have been reluctant to re-seal it because of it's porous nature but now wonder whether I should done - obviously concerned about losing it's porous property.
John .sorry to hear about the stain on your have my sympathy. Like you... that stain would really annoy me every time I walked or drove by it . What makes it even more annoying I imagine is that your Wife did not even notice it over that 7 weeks and either put down some cardboard under the car or even tell you about it on the phone. Clearly it wasn't a concern to her that the car was losing its life blood and in the process damaging your lovely driveway. :oops:
Try a couple big bottles of cola on it. Brush it in with a hard Brush then rinse off with a hose....worth a shot.
Talk to a Florida villa management company, especially one who is one man/person company and has been in business for a long time.
My agent when I owned a rental villa he & she would clean the oil to give me a clean unmarked parking pad/driveway but I would be concerned about the 7 week delay.
I have a block paved drive and whenever anyone visits with a car dripping oil I amply cover the stain with laundry washing powder and just leave it. Works every time. A neighbour had three quite large stains on similar driveway left by builder’s lorry. Same technique - gone in three weeks.
Cat litter and copious amounts of brake cleaner.
Surround the oily bit with cat litter, spray or pour brake cleaner. The brake cleaner will loosen and mobilise the oil which will be absorbed by the cat litter.

Do a test as I have no idea what it will do to the resin driveway but it works on garage floors.

Arsenic is also natural. Have a sprinkle of it on your cereal instead of sugar and let us know how you go.
Then perhaps he could try some deep breathing exercises in a Cornish cellar with high levels of perfectly natural radon.
The safety limit iirc is 200 parts per million (billion?). My old house was measured at 1600.
Arsenic apparently used to be quite commonly found in post mortems of people who used wells for their water.