Established Member
Hey guys, Been really stacked at work so any free time I've been doing what I can. Made a Guiro for my daughter and a few pens and bowls but struggled a little with the hollowing on the Guiro
What does everyone use for hollowing Vase's and a like ? I would like to try turning some similar to George W, I was looking at the Munro but its a huge chuck of cash for something I'm not sure I'll use a lot. Any other suggestions ?
I have been using a 13mm spindle gouge flute up towards me and drawing back which works great for shallow openings but going deeper it likes to catch
Also turned my first bowl from the timber I processed myself, still very wet and its bowed but I really like it.
What does everyone use for hollowing Vase's and a like ? I would like to try turning some similar to George W, I was looking at the Munro but its a huge chuck of cash for something I'm not sure I'll use a lot. Any other suggestions ?
I have been using a 13mm spindle gouge flute up towards me and drawing back which works great for shallow openings but going deeper it likes to catch
Also turned my first bowl from the timber I processed myself, still very wet and its bowed but I really like it.