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Established Member
24 Jul 2007
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Back last summer, there was a long and interesting threadabout holdfasts, in which RichardT popped up and offered to make as many as forum members wanted.

I bought a pair, had a quick go with them and felt very pleased to have been able to get them.

Since then, I've not actually done much bench-based woodworking, but I've recently started on a small bookcase in ash, and I've been using them a lot more.

So, at risk of embarrasing Richard, I'd just like to say thanks again. They are so good! Clamping a board down on the bench so I can chop dovetails or plane a rebate is so quick and easy. A bash with a mallet on the top to set them, a bash on the side to release them. You might think that it doesn't take long to tighten a clamp, but these are better. It's so efficient that there is never the temptation to carry on with the wood in a slightly awkward position - you can always spare a few seconds to get it just right.

So well done Richard, for taking the time and trouble on these. Long may your blacksmithing and woodworking flourish!
Shucks folks, I'm speechless :oops:

... but not so much so not to say that I've had a few requests for more holdfasts since. I've been telling people that I couldn't do smaller numbers for less than £18 per pair and they have all been understanding and ok about that.
So soon I will be ordering some steel for other stuff, (cough PLANES cough) to which I will add some more 18mm bar - enough to make some stock for future prospective customers.

I notice that Roy Underhill has been making great use of his "vallette" in the latest run of his show - the very best advertisement.
Hi just wondering if you might consider making them with a square rather than round leg ? Maybe they would not work in the same way, sadly my bench has square dog holes

Keep up the good work
regards Peter
Oh dear Vann, yes, could be hefty. I'll find out when I get to weighing them in at the post office but I may have to type it in very small letters. :roll:
I don't know yet Aidan, I'll let you know when when I've made some to weigh. Shouldn't be too bad, I sent some to the Netherlands last time and that was much cheaper than I expected.
Peter - I remember last time there were stories of lots of round 3/4 " hole borings going on. Square holes for dogs are just for dogs really, round is the only shape that bites properly.
I don't know if we ever reached a general consensus but I think they work best in a 2 - 3" deep hole. I seem to remember I tuned them to work best in a 2 1/4" deep hole ....
And it is probably better to have this hole somewhere more mid - bench than where you usually need dogs.
Has any one who uses them often got any advise/experience to share on this? ... Coo, yeh, some photos would be nice - I've seen them in test mode but never used in anger.
I can echo the good reviews for Richard's holdfasts. Mine hold fine in my sawbench, which has a 2" thick top (say 45mm-ish finished dimension). I can also confirm (as if anyone needed it) that they don't hold well in the 1" top of my rubbish store-bought workbench.
Add me to the list please (I already posted in the other thread a few days ago). I'd be more than happy to pay £18 for a pair of decent holdfasts. I'm a bit concerned they won't work with my bench though. The top is around 2 5/8" thick, but for reasons I won't go into the dog holes are 20mm.
studders":ojwmtfg3 said:
DTR":ojwmtfg3 said:
the dog holes are 20mm.

Decide where you want to use the Hold fast, fill the hole with a 20mm plug glued in and rebore to 18-19mm.

I doubt that 1-2mm would make much difference to the effectiveness of the holdfast. I would leave the hole at 20mm and see how you get on.

Cheers :wink:

Please will you put me down for a pair as well Richard, I missed it last time and have regretted it ever since

I'm on the other list, but I'll add myself to this one as well just incase, so a pair for me as well please if poss 8)