Holdfast Group Buy - May have found a UK Blacksmith


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I received my gramarcy's last weekend, and the entire cost for a pair with shipping VAT and customs comes to £70.

I have given one of the gramery's to my contact at work, and he will be getting a prototype made by the blacksmith in the next week, as soon as I've got it back and have tested it, I'll let you all know what he will charge assuming he wants to do a larger run after the prototype.
Hi I'd be interested in a pair depending price,
I'd also be interested in a pair. There would be a shipping issue needed to be accounted for in price before I could commit.


I would definitely be interested in a pair of these. Planning a Scwarz/Roubo bench in the near future.

Now, do you think your blacksmith might make drawbore pins that aren't a stupid price?

Not sure what you'll get with updates as over on TWH Colin says he's received a ban from UKW, he doesn't know why and he was wanting to keep you all updated with where he was with the holdfasts.

Can only suggest you try him on TWH - and this isn't a veiled plug for TWH either, just being practical!


Ironballs":3ut4nshn said:
Not sure what you'll get with updates as over on TWH Colin says he's received a ban from UKW, he doesn't know why and he was wanting to keep you all updated with where he was with the holdfasts.

Can only suggest you try him on TWH - and this isn't a veiled plug for TWH either, just being practical!



I think that it has all been sorted out now and that Colin is posting here again. https://www.ukworkshop.co.uk/forums/post ... ht=#508348

Pete TWH is www.thewoodhaven.co.uk


I think Colin might still be waiting on a reply from his blacksmith contact.
Sorry chaps, I should have updated this post a few days ago, but been a bit busy.

Basically, the blacksmith has been on holiday for a week, each time my contact goes past to drop in he has been closed. However, he has phoned him this week and will be dropping off the holdfast towards the end of the week.

Fingers crossed it shouldn't take too long after that to find out if he can do them.

Sorry for this taking so long, but trying to do this via a third party is slowing things down a bit. But as and when I get the go-ahead, I will be visiting the blacksmith myself and doing any deals for future holdfasts direct.

I'll update again as soon as I have some more news.
sqwheezle":26j6d4jf said:

Anything happening out there or is there a problem with this forum?

I'm sure that Colin will keep us upto date as soon as he can. :wink:

As far as I know there is nothing wrong with the forum, what makes you think that?


Nothing wrong with the forum. I've been on holiday for the past week, and I'm being mucked about by my colleague who was supposed to be talking to the blacksmith. It will be resolved one way or the other on tuesday.

If you do happen to run into difficulties with all this I have a mate who's a member of the Worshipful Company of Master Blacksmiths who may be able to help.

He actually lives near Reigate, but if that's too far, I'm sure he could put you in the right direction for somebody nearer.
Spoke to my colleague today. I'm still being f*cked about, so it seems it's a no go I'm afraid chaps. If the status every changes, I'll certainly let you know. Sorry for taking so long over this.
ByronBlack":1li87ts3 said:
Spoke to my colleague today. I'm still being f*cked about, so it seems it's a no go I'm afraid chaps. If the status every changes, I'll certainly let you know. Sorry for taking so long over this.

Oh sugar, thanks for trying anyway Colin.

