A couple of months ago I found a lovely spokeshave going for a quid in a house reclamation store locally. It felt lovely in my hand, but had no blade. So I bought it and put it on a shelf as a "one day I'll find a matching part" project.
Over the weekend I was looking at some Hock blades as I fancied trying one in one of my planes, when I spotted their spokeshave blades. So as well as a new plane blade and chip breaker, I ordered a spokeshave blade.
The blade (SP062) arrived this morning and I had an hour after work to give it go. The first pleasant surprise was that the spur screw lined up perfectly with the existing holes - I was expecting to have to fill the hole and drill new ones.
However, some more work was needed to allow the blade to seat in the handle.
It took a little work with a file, rasp, small chisels and gouges to get the blade sunk into the shave body at the right position.
I'm pleased with the results. The spokeshave works well on a first trial. I'll see how it goes over the coming projects.
Oh! And I was also very please with the plane blade and chip breaker - Worked very nicely in a Stanley No. 5.
Over the weekend I was looking at some Hock blades as I fancied trying one in one of my planes, when I spotted their spokeshave blades. So as well as a new plane blade and chip breaker, I ordered a spokeshave blade.
The blade (SP062) arrived this morning and I had an hour after work to give it go. The first pleasant surprise was that the spur screw lined up perfectly with the existing holes - I was expecting to have to fill the hole and drill new ones.

However, some more work was needed to allow the blade to seat in the handle.

It took a little work with a file, rasp, small chisels and gouges to get the blade sunk into the shave body at the right position.
I'm pleased with the results. The spokeshave works well on a first trial. I'll see how it goes over the coming projects.

Oh! And I was also very please with the plane blade and chip breaker - Worked very nicely in a Stanley No. 5.