Woodmonkey":1p7j5hkt said:
Been on and voted. Athough I have to say the bloke with long hair doing bon jovi was very good!
Four more days! Four more days!
It's like a tiny version of the World Cup!
You might harbour hopes of winning but your team have a few injuries. And let's
face it, you're supporting your home team.
(nutmegs the Nationalist issue). Lets' face it there's always the Dutch or if they show up, the Germans with their refined breed of teamwork and efficient football, the Brazilians with their flair and skills. The French if they aren't on a communist sit in. There's a host of other teams with the ability to win on their day.
As a fan, you've saved hard, the build up has been slow but magnetic. You've followed them to Andorra. (17 goals by Peter Crouch that day). You got sucked in and now the tension is building unbearably. Not long now. You've been disappointed before. You know how it goes. But deep down, on the inside, you can't help but support your team even if you laugh it off pretend not to care.
'Come Onnnnn!' you've muttered in frustration into your pint as the fools around you in the pub scream at every miss-kick and wild challenge. Every foul, every dive, every substitution.
'We're though the third round, that's good' says Bob. You say nothing but cast him a dark glance.
Idiot. The tension's building.
You're into the Final.
Your team just need the luck on the day right?
On the day
any team might hold that glorious trophy aloft. That green and black jackpot of riches that every team has strived for. Every player has dreamed of since as kids they kicked an old Black and Decker drill round the park and used jumpleads for goalposts.
One last push!