Help identifying Grandad's tools

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Tool 3 is a glazing iron! I found it in Salaman's Leather working Tools book.
You can still buy them Glazing Iron | George Barnsley and Sons
We found one in my grandparents junk along with a cast-iron last (or "cobbler's anvil") with 3 feet.
He wasn't a cobbler - I reckon they were domestic tools too, not just trade, and people had them to look after their own shoes/boots.
Salaman's book is amazing - page after page of mostly unfamiliar and very strange tools with strange names: "narrow fudge wheel, stabbing pricker, welt knife , waist wheel, janking wheel" and so on!
How would a Glazing Iron be used?

I believe you apply it to cut edges etc to polish the edge. I imagine the sape it so allow multiple positions to avoid marring the face of the leather and the relative heft allows a decent amount of use before it needs re heated.

Cobblers anvils are propping doors aren't they?
There was a time when all footwear was leather and nearly every household had one - to help nailing segs or hobnails on to soles, or various other brads, nails etc. Saved shoe leather. l[/URL]
and don't forget nailing in the football boot studs, yes we had one as well.


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