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24 Jun 2024
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Hello - just joined the forum after discovering it trying to research tools for my wife's doll's house / miniature making project (I created a new post for that https://www.ukworkshop.co.uk/threads/tool-ideas-for-a-beginner-making-dolls-house-miniatures.148190/)

So, who am I?

I am a Brit, Travel IT professional, lucky enough to live and work in the south of France for the last 33 years.

I have always had an interest in woodwork since lessons at school, a long time back.
Over the years I have had some very amateurish projects making cupboards and bookshelves in various places that I have lived - using very rudimentary tools (a Workmate, a circular saw, a drill and a few chisels). The results were acceptable/functional, but that was OK. I became more serious about 8 years ago when we were looking for some tables for an outdoor space, that needed to be a sort of coffee table-height dining table hybrid. Of course nothing existed, and the custom options available were ludicrously expensive. So I thought - why not have a go myself? So I started my research, not knowing I would be gaining a new hobby.

I am not sure if I decided on using hand-tools and then discovered Mr Sellers (and a few others) - or whether it was the other way around ... but I primarily like to use hand tools for my projects - luckily most are not time-critical.
I have sourced the majority of my tools from eBay (or the French equivalent), bolstered by some donations (a friend's father who used to be a teacher gave me some lovely planes), and the occassional splurge/present.

In the Winter I work in my cramped and messy garage, but whenever I can, I wheel my workbench out into the drive and under the carport and work in the sunlight. Fantastic.

For my 60th birthday a few friends gave me a small lathe - I enjoyed some turning at school but not really since. I have subsequently been able to return some gifts to them in the form of bowls, pens and coasters. In the last couple of years I have aquired a few power tools (bandsaw, tablesaw) used mostly for stock preparation - so that I can focus my time on the hand tool part of the project.

My biggest obstacles are sourcing decent "interesting" timber locally, and finding time to focus on a project. The second obstacle should be eased somewhat when I retire from my professional life in December.

I am looking forward to learning from the collective wisdom of the forum members - and will definitely chip in where I can.

Anyone else in France please feel free to contact me so that we can share experiences.
Welcome to UKW! We're glad to have you join us!
Nice intro. Get yourself a planer/ thicknesser and a good miter saw and you can make almost anything. If you can find a timber yard that will deliver it's half the battle.
Nice intro. Get yourself a planer/ thicknesser and a good miter saw and you can make almost anything. If you can find a timber yard that will deliver it's half the battle.
I have a planer - but it is so noisy ... I tend to cut larger pieces to near size and then get them flat using a mixture of old wooden scrubb plane, a Stanley 4 1/2 and no 7 jointer ...
I've worked in France quite a bit - refurbing a chateau for UK clients and found sourcing timber really hard compared to the UK? Why that is I don't know? There just does not seem to be the usual PAR timber. If you do find it its madly expensive. Your own good planer/thicknesser is the way forward I'd say. I have a Hammer A3 - old one but great machine
Around here in Limousin there are loads of local sawmills offering oak, chestnut and sometimes ash and cherry. Not cheap though... For my last project I bought air dried live edge oak boards 3m long 27mm thick for around 1300€/m3.
I recently found out about this place, close to where I live:


Looks promising, will plan to visit in the next couple of weeks and see what they have.

I will be making a special keepsake box - so will be looking for something "interesting"