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AutoDoc Williams

Established Member
18 Aug 2024
Reaction score
Hello, I'm Doc Williams from Delaware, USA. Thanks for letting a Yank into the fold. I'm a 69 year-old retired controls engineer that piddles around in a two car workshop building anything that comes to mind or is commissioned. Along with all the normal machines you'd find in a shop is a small CNC machine that provides endless frustration. Currently working on building some replacement armrests for a customer's Adirondack chairs that have been left out in the weather too long. Also working on CNC engraving on a PVC park bench memorializing a local teacher who recently passed. Building electric guitars is always in the mix as well.
Welcome to the forum. There is a lot of great photos and information here.
For a minute I thought I was about to meet a surgeon with an interest in robotics :)
Welcome !
I am an old robotics guy, and can perform surgery if your expectations are low, really low. The AutoDoc moniker came about as I was an industrial automation guy who used to carry my tools in an old doctor's bag.
Welcome to the forum, people with good sense of humour are always in need. Hope you'll find us useful, the forum is certainly helpful. Hmm, is helpful and useful the same? :-D
The AutoDoc moniker came about as I was an industrial automation guy who used to carry my tools in an old doctor's bag.
I used to carry a classic black moleskine notebook when I walked around my job sites as a project manager checking on progress, safety, housekeeping and all. One of my buddies said this always reminded him of a pastor, but thankfully that never turned into a nickname !
I used to carry a classic black moleskine notebook when I walked around my job sites as a project manager checking on progress, safety, housekeeping and all. One of my buddies said this always reminded him of a pastor, but thankfully that never turned into a nickname !
Well, it did now Pastor! BTW, thank you and Deema for the rebuild posts about the Mini Max S45 bandsaw. I just snagged one from the local hardwood shop and it helped greatly although mine seems to be a simpler machine. There is no rack gear affair for adjusting the vertical throat as with mine, there's just a knurled cinch bolt that you loosen and drag the whole upper guide assembly where you want it and then crank the cinch bolt back tight again. So far I like the machine and it resaws like nobody's business.
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Excellent! Thanks for the feedback, it's always encouraging to get that.
Please share a photo or two when you're ready. It's always good to learn about variants of machines. Your own new thread or add them to ours whatever you prefer.
Excellent! Thanks for the feedback, it's always encouraging to get that.
Please share a photo or two when you're ready. It's always good to learn about variants of machines. Your own new thread or add them to ours whatever you prefer.
Done! I tacked it onto the end our your thread, and may I say that your thread there is the finest thread of its kind ever written and thanks to ALL who replied in it. This kinda thing is what the internet was made for.

P. S. Somewhere in the thread is a parts explosion, and that seems to be the version saw that I have, i.e. no rack/pinion vertical arm adjustment.

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