Hello from a new member and THANKS


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Established Member
29 Jun 2011
Reaction score
South Liverpool
Hi everyone.

First i'd like to say thanks for all the good advice ive had over the last few years.

Seems everytime i google a problem or need a tool review, this site comes up with the answer.... so i thought it was about time i joined
and hopefully can give something back.

Its easy to see why many people start out on a new hobby, any hobby really, and just end up giving up because of lack of support.

The info thats been most helpful was on the selection of a new t/s, I eventually got a Deft T30, but that was after i had a SIP 01332...bit of a nightmare so i'll save that for another day

Im just a hobbyist but really keen. Gradually upgrading all my workshop. The Deft was the best decision ive made, a dream of a machine but not without its initial niggles.

Im in South Liverpool just on the Cheshire border so hopefully get to chat with some of the more local members too.

Thanks again for all the advice
ScouseKev":2jz19kci said:
The info thats been most helpful was on the selection of a new t/s, I eventually got a Deft T30, but that was after i had a SIP 01332...bit of a nightmare so i'll save that for another day

Im just a hobbyist but really keen. Gradually upgrading all my workshop. The Deft was the best decision ive made, a dream of a machine but not without its initial niggles.

Welcome to the forum. The Deft tablesaur is a really good piece of kit and I was muchly impressed when I had a close look at Rod's (Harbo) saw a coupla years ago - Rob
Hi Kev, welcome to the forum. Sounds like you are the opposite end of the river to me, I'm up Southport way.

It's a great forum, and as you've found out a great information resource.

Watcha Kev!

Soon we will have enough Scousers to start a band.... :mrgreen:

Seriously though...you are quite correct! The UKW is fast becoming the oracle for all things woody. I have yet to find one thing that I have wondered or pondered about that when posted here has stumped the panel of experts who frequent this fine establishment.

It seems there is a very wide cross-section of experts in virtually every field imaginable.

You would be hard pressed to find a better home!

