Pete the Feet
A workshop mate of mine recently bought one of these in complete and working condition. I have researched it on the internet and found out that it was designed and built by a German businessman called August Heinzerling who had about thirty patents to his name mostly for mechanical kitchen aids such as the Ruhrfix.
"Mehrzwerk-Maschine" translates as Multi-plant or Multipurpose Machine and "fur bohren, schleifen, sagen, feilen, biegsame Welle: boring, grinding, sawing, filing, flexible shaft. I have researched both the Google patents website and the German patent office website but can only find patent application/drawing for an earlier version that doesn't show either the flexible shaft or hacksaw. There was also a Heimag A6 produced in the mid 1950s which incorporated a milling machine and short bed lathe. Does anyone have any knowledge of or recollections of using one of these machines?
"Mehrzwerk-Maschine" translates as Multi-plant or Multipurpose Machine and "fur bohren, schleifen, sagen, feilen, biegsame Welle: boring, grinding, sawing, filing, flexible shaft. I have researched both the Google patents website and the German patent office website but can only find patent application/drawing for an earlier version that doesn't show either the flexible shaft or hacksaw. There was also a Heimag A6 produced in the mid 1950s which incorporated a milling machine and short bed lathe. Does anyone have any knowledge of or recollections of using one of these machines?