Have identified cat fouling garden, now what ?


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Benchwayze":1gxotftz said:
If you want a pet that does as it pleases, yet not what you would wish it to do.
If you want a pet that goes where it pleases, yet not where you wish.
If you want a pet that kills what it pleases, whether it be hungry or not.
If you want a pet that tramples over other people's rights, as it pleases, yet you expect this to be tolerated.
If you want a pet that gives you the 'joy' of its company only when it suits itself.
If you want a pet that does all these things, as and when it pleases, then more fool you.
If though, you can accept these facts for what they are, and take the responsibilities that go with owning a cat,
Then and only then, can you be a good cat owner.
And what is more, my friend, you will likely incur the wrath of your garden loving neighbours either way.
And this is exactly why I like cats :D . Basically, they are far more humanlike than those sucking up, face licking, fawning, desperate to be loved wolves in sheep's clothing that are capable of killing people let alone rats and mice.

And I have four hectares of garden that my cats (and my neighbour's) carefully bury their waste products in and eventually help improve the soil. They are all welcome. We have the gun ready should any canines come in after our chickens. :twisted:
doorframe":fnu8m5au said:
Some of the threads in the General Chat section really bring some members 'stupid-side' to the surface, and some of the anti-cat clap-trap bleated in some of the previous posts shows that this particular thread hasn't dissapointed.

Can you please up date your profile and let us know your rough location, because somewhere you'll never find me just does not cut the mustard?


Do you suspect him of being the next door neighbour?

I resent the Anti-Cat trap implication, I was just showing an interesting way to balance a log or large rock. If some small vermin happen to knock out the support stick it's hardly my fault...
gus3049":16tcu55s said:
Benchwayze":16tcu55s said:
If you want a pet that does as it pleases, yet not what you would wish it to do.
If you want a pet that goes where it pleases, yet not where you wish.
If you want a pet that kills what it pleases, whether it be hungry or not.
If you want a pet that tramples over other people's rights, as it pleases, yet you expect this to be tolerated.
If you want a pet that gives you the 'joy' of its company only when it suits itself.
If you want a pet that does all these things, as and when it pleases, then more fool you.
If though, you can accept these facts for what they are, and take the responsibilities that go with owning a cat,
Then and only then, can you be a good cat owner.
And what is more, my friend, you will likely incur the wrath of your garden loving neighbours either way.
And this is exactly why I like cats :D . Basically, they are far more humanlike than those sucking up, face licking, fawning, desperate to be loved wolves in sheep's clothing that are capable of killing people let alone rats and mice.

And I have four hectares of garden that my cats (and my neighbour's) carefully bury their waste products in and eventually help improve the soil. They are all welcome. We have the gun ready should any canines come in after our chickens. :twisted:

Thing is Gus, only a farmer can shoot a dog without reason (Well, not exactly without reason, but they can easily fabricate a reason, if they keep livestock.) Otherwise if you shoot a dog, you face the same penalty as one who shoots a cat. (Maybe not in France, where they have some funny laws anyhow.)

Like I said, I wouldn't harm any animal that can't threaten me. But if I had chickens, and a cat killed any of them (Which has happened nearby me) then I would expect recompense, just as I would if a dog did likewise. But then generally, one doesn't see stray dogs in the garden. They do tend to be more inferior at climbing than cats.
As for all the bad things a dog can do, barring the dog's mental state, the fault is traceable to an irresponsible owner.

Anyone who allows a dog to lick their face, after it's licked its parts, then that someone deserves everything they might get!
Doesn't a cat suck up to you, marking its scent all over your legs when it 'nuzzles', begging food?
yes dogs 'suck up'; because when well trained, they KNOW who is boss. A cat knows too, but it certainly ain't you! Nor is it ever going to be. :wink:

Enjoy your cat... I hope it never runs away, and take five years to find its way home, bringing you a songbird as a gift, whilst expecting to be fed again!
And you'd feed it?
All in fun you understand.

John :)
Benchwayze":il41uq01 said:
Thing is Gus, only a farmer can shoot a dog without reason (Well, not exactly without reason, but they can easily fabricate a reason, if they keep livestock.) Otherwise if you shoot a dog, you face the same penalty as one who shoots a cat. (Maybe not in France, where they have some funny laws anyhow.)

Yup, happens all the time here, sad to say. If you tell a French person that their dog killed a chicken they just do the gallic shrug thing. We had two valuable Orpingtons killed. After the second shrug, we took the gun over the shoulder when we visited the owner. Strangely, we haven't seen the dog since.

However, as you say, I would have a real problem with actually hurting the dog. I can bring myself to dispatch animals for food. My wife on the other hand.........

Maybe I'm strange. I don't want to be the boss. My cats are interesting companions in this life and I don't find yes men (or women) that interesting. Like my wife, the cats can wrap me around their little fingers (claws). Thats OK, I have more subtle ways of getting and doing what I want.
gus3049":1blfneub said:
Benchwayze":1blfneub said:
Thing is Gus, only a farmer can shoot a dog without reason (Well, not exactly without reason, but they can easily fabricate a reason, if they keep livestock.) Otherwise if you shoot a dog, you face the same penalty as one who shoots a cat. (Maybe not in France, where they have some funny laws anyhow.)

Yup, happens all the time here, sad to say. If you tell a French person that their dog killed a chicken they just do the gallic shrug thing. We had two valuable Orpingtons killed. After the second shrug, we took the gun over the shoulder when we visited the owner. Strangely, we haven't seen the dog since..

Now that appeals to my sense of justice! =D> =D> =D>

John :D
Ahh all this anti cat talk, terrible! I am a bit of a cat lover, but not a poo lover. Only on Saturday did I step in a huge dog poop from the neighbours dog, but I just scooped it up and cleaned my shoe, part of life.

I think the thing you have to remember is that cats and dogs are prized possessions for a lot of people, like cars or hand planes, often seen as extra family members, you wouldn't damage someone car or hurt someone else's family member, but I can appreciate most of what is said in gest and no-one here would really harm a cat.

As a helpful input, I've used these sticks before, they do work they last for a month or more and do seem to stop the cats coming near them. You can also get cat friendly ultrasonic defenders, my partners father is really into birds, he has ultra sonic things around his bird feeders to protect the birds from the cats.

Just try an work a daily poop check into the regime and let your 10 year old get on with it, 6 piles in 2 weeks is 0.4 poops per day, not exactly a pineapple blitz is it!
gus3049":ydiy79kt said:
Benchwayze":ydiy79kt said:
Thing is Gus, only a farmer can shoot a dog without reason (Well, not exactly without reason, but they can easily fabricate a reason, if they keep livestock.) Otherwise if you shoot a dog, you face the same penalty as one who shoots a cat. (Maybe not in France, where they have some funny laws anyhow.)

Yup, happens all the time here, sad to say. If you tell a French person that their dog killed a chicken they just do the gallic shrug thing. We had two valuable Orpingtons killed. After the second shrug, we took the gun over the shoulder when we visited the owner. Strangely, we haven't seen the dog since.

However, as you say, I would have a real problem with actually hurting the dog. I can bring myself to dispatch animals for food. My wife on the other hand.........

Maybe I'm strange. I don't want to be the boss. My cats are interesting companions in this life and I don't find yes men (or women) that interesting. Like my wife, the cats can wrap me around their little fingers (claws). Thats OK, I have more subtle ways of getting and doing what I want.

Think of the dog as food, just the Chinese (or is it Koreans) do, then you get rid of a pest and get a free dinner at the same time. :D
Pvt_Ryan":2mlrqx8o said:
gus3049":2mlrqx8o said:
Benchwayze":2mlrqx8o said:
Thing is Gus, only a farmer can shoot a dog without reason (Well, not exactly without reason, but they can easily fabricate a reason, if they keep livestock.) Otherwise if you shoot a dog, you face the same penalty as one who shoots a cat. (Maybe not in France, where they have some funny laws anyhow.)

Yup, happens all the time here, sad to say. If you tell a French person that their dog killed a chicken they just do the gallic shrug thing. We had two valuable Orpingtons killed. After the second shrug, we took the gun over the shoulder when we visited the owner. Strangely, we haven't seen the dog since.

However, as you say, I would have a real problem with actually hurting the dog. I can bring myself to dispatch animals for food. My wife on the other hand.........

Maybe I'm strange. I don't want to be the boss. My cats are interesting companions in this life and I don't find yes men (or women) that interesting. Like my wife, the cats can wrap me around their little fingers (claws). Thats OK, I have more subtle ways of getting and doing what I want.

Think of the dog as food, just the Chinese (or is it Koreans) do, then you get rid of a pest and get a free dinner at the same time. :D


You deserve a case of fur-balls!
"Think of the dog as food, just the Chinese (or is it Koreans) do, then you get rid of a pest and get a free dinner at the same time. :D"

Next time your in a chinese restautrant and order chicken, it could be cat? You will never know :twisted: :twisted:


One way! Another is to put water filled clear plastic bottles where you don't want cats. I thought the French friend was winding me up, but I tried it and it works. Costs nowt too! Cats used to crap on our gravel covered parking area and it is NOT nice to tread on it wearing flip flops, especially if it squelches up over the edge (hammer)

For cat wandering VERY warely around our garden, 3000 sq meters of it, I have a catapult and the accuracy to put a stone a couple of feet away from it, normally into a bush so it makes lots of noise very close. Did you know that a cat can go from a dead stop to about 60mph in about 0.25 of a second! :twisted:

The other way may be to catch said cat in a humain feral cat trap, put it and the trap into a tea chest and beat seven bells on the outside of the chest and then release it? If it comes back, repeat and see just how quickly you can train a cat!

I do like cats and I believe that I could eat a whole one if it wasn't too big :mrgreen:

We have a chocky labrador. When we take her for walks we clean up after her if she doe not do what she normally does, finding long, rough, grass way off the track. Along side the Canal du Midi it is flicked into the canal or it's picked up in a doggy bag and into a bin. Most French just walk away where ever it is! Not our style!
If nothing else this thread has taught me that British humour is alive and kicking.

We have a dog (a border terrier) and the neighbours opposite have 7 cats who use our graveled drive and garden as a bog - much to my dismay. We also have a 7 year old daughter and have only just laid a lawn so I fully understand how the OP feels as I was obsessing about it for a while.

I've now nailed carpet gripper (so when grabbed it sticks through gloves and all sorts) to the tops of all our fencing and blocked up all the holes low down so the little shites can't now get in. I did hear a howl one evening when in my office as, I think, one tried to get over our gate but was duly 'punctured'. Oh sweet justice.

BTW. It was a crime prevention officer who told me about the gripper trick. If a burglar gets injured on them you simply turn round and say "Oh I'm so very sorry officer. They were there to keep out the cats...

Be still you bleedin hearts, and on goes the fire proof suit
If you two gents need a place to hide out it's pretty remote around here! :lol:

There's always the Wolds... I can, allegedly, go Jaguar (4 legged) hunting there!
One of my customers has just had some dum dum(?) air gun pellets made to dispatch the grey squirrels that keep killing the birds. I'll find out where there were produced if you like.
Why does no one have a go at farmers who capture a magpie and the use it as bait maggie traps and then 'brain' the ones caught against a table edge. Just a question...
Hell, I'm running out of stones out of stones to lob into the emotional pond?
Why does no one have a go at farmers who capture a magpie and the use it as bait maggie traps and then 'brain' the ones caught against a table edge.

It's called the 'cuddly Bunny syndrome.'

What is it with cat lovers? If I had any sort of pet that went out and **** in other peoples gardens I'd be embarrassed not try and defend the cat's right.

To the OP, I wouldn't suggest that an open forum is the best place to seek advice, because the best advice that you'll get will probably get you in trouble from some animal lover that has lost their grip on reality.
I am relaibly told that putiing your own pee around the gareden perimeter stops them as they dont like it. Dont do it in person.....perhaps use a jug as thats better for the neigbours. You would need to do it fairly regularly though to mark out your territory. Dont get arrested or hugged. Good luck.
Now that's what I call a 'vison'. Trudging round your neighbours gaffs' with pot in hand asking for substantial contributions... Not even the French could match that!