I find it hard to select spalted beech - too far and its a mush, not far enough, and its not so interesting.
Anyway, i have this part -
The white bits on the right are soft. I sanded them quickly by hand to get an idea, and then had a bit of a dig about with a blade at the end -
The above required some digging with the blade, so its not just falling out on my fingers, but it is softer. Im guessing anyone who deals with spalted beech will know exactly what im talking about?
I was wanting to cut this sort of thing from them -
The above part is oak, with a bit of Fistulina hepatica activity.
I think that people often use cyano acrelate glue to treat spalted beech, but im thinking that id need a lot of it...
Do things like osmo polyx soak in enough and harden enough to do similar?
Thank you.
Anyway, i have this part -

The white bits on the right are soft. I sanded them quickly by hand to get an idea, and then had a bit of a dig about with a blade at the end -

The above required some digging with the blade, so its not just falling out on my fingers, but it is softer. Im guessing anyone who deals with spalted beech will know exactly what im talking about?
I was wanting to cut this sort of thing from them -

The above part is oak, with a bit of Fistulina hepatica activity.
I think that people often use cyano acrelate glue to treat spalted beech, but im thinking that id need a lot of it...
Do things like osmo polyx soak in enough and harden enough to do similar?
Thank you.