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Speaking of Ireland, Arte ( french / german TV ) is running a series of programs about Ireland entitled ( translated ) "The Four Corners of Ireland". Part one is about the North of Ireland ( scenery to take your breath away ) which I think is Noel's part ?
It is entitled "The Savage North" they could have called it "The beautiful wild land" , which IMO would have been closer .

Soundtrack is in french, which doesn't matter a bit if you don't speak french, just watch and enjoy :)
I for one will be watching this again tonight on the big screen here with SWMBO and grown up son, and a glass or two and a tear in my eye even though I'm a Kilkenny - Wexford border ( Kilkenny side ) man myself, who somedays, especially the 17th of March each year, misses "home" terribly, despite this part of France resembling Ireland in many ways.
If you know how to download from youtube, that one is downloadable, as will be the three others in the series to come.
Slàinte Mhaith :)
It was a bit savage for a while, not so bad these days. Kilkenny? The odd decent hurler about those parts.
Near the Barrow River?
I'll check out the video. It's geo protected here.
The odd decent hurler indeed , but when the finals were Wexford against Kilkenny, you'd not be wanting to be saying so in the pub in New Ross. Strange thing, the parish records for the Dysartmoon parish on the Kilkenny side of the Barrow ( Ballyreddy in my case ) are held in the health centre in New Ross on the Wexford side.

If you have trouble getting at the video, I have a copy in 720p , pm me and I'll put it somewhere where you can download it from. It is 235 megs an MP4

re "the while", yes..I don't think for a moment that their title has any reflection in it there, but even the shepherds dog who features in the film ( I love to watch a dog working the sheep ) at one point could have chosen a less ambiguous one.
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