Am I the only one to find Nick's post, though probably well intentioned, ever so slightly disturbing :shock:
Having applauded the forum and chosen to return and post after a self imposed boycott is all nice and gracious but perhaps I am bieng oversensitive in finding it all just a tad egotistical, it probably wasn't intended that way.
I don't think that suggesting the forum suppresses a diversity of views, opinions and preferences, even with the well meaning intent of protecting GWW, is any kind of healthy outlook and approach to life and is actually somewhat odd.
Yes, there is competition out there for all businesses, including magazine publishers, but thats just a fact of life and the only way to deal with it is to rise to the challenge and try to be better than the competition or to differentiate your product from theirs in some way.
Trying to suppress or hide criticism isn't the way to go about things, and nor is going off in self imposed exile !
The forum members here are a genuine, friendly, welcoming bunch with a lot to say and contribute on a whole host of subjects and I am sure, like myself, would be only too pleased to have some regular prescence here from people as experienced as Nick and anybody else who cares to take the time to join in and contribute, but I am somewhat taken aback by the suggestion that for that, and/or any mention of the forum to be made in GWW, would only happen if we all behave ourselves and pretend that GWW is the only show in town and that it is beyond any constructive criticism!!!
I would humbly suggest Nick that you stay with the forum, influence and be influenced by it in turn, and try to be inclusive rather than defensive, you can't have too many friends even if occasionally they do speak their minds and tell you things you would rather not hear !
For what it is worth, I have been a subscriber to GWW amongst other mags for a couple of years now and have been increasingly feeling of late that I may have grown out of it. The occassional inspirational article from the likes of Philly and Steve :shock: is pretty much all that has prevented me from letting the subs lapse recently, but this months issue in particular, sorry to say, was pretty thin and uninspiring in my honest opinion.......