GWW Index Issue 1 - 140.

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Established Member
27 Jul 2003
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Thanks for pointing that out, Neil. The index published twice a year in the magazine is not easy to search, is it?
Importing the index into a database is a much better idea as it would allow a word search.
I think I will give it a go later.
Thanks again.

Just a general comment I have been wondering for a while - why do they publish so far in advance? for example, on their website it says July issue, out 12th May. Thats nearly 2 monthe early for goodness sake!

Now I subscribe its not a problem, but why not publish July's issue in July, August's issue in August and so on. If they can specify the day an issue appears, (12th May) why not specify Julys issue comes out on 1st July :roll:

Rant over, must be that Monday morning feeling :)

The answer is down to good old marketing.
If they can publish every 4 weeks instead of once a month it is equivalent to an 8% increase in turnover, assuming most of their customer base buy regularly. But in time this catches up with them. They used to get round this by having a Christmas issue, or an Autumn issue, to get themselves back on track. This wreaks havoc in a date-ordered database!

I think it is easier to think about them by issue number, rather than date.

Aaah, the thorny issue of Issues and the dating thereof! It's a mystery to most of us in the publishing industry too as to why mags are so far ahead of the issue date stated on the cover. It's been traditional for so long that its reasons are hidden in the mists of time. Apparently, so I'm told, it's to do with the date an issue comes off sale not when an issue goes on sale, though this is certainly confused by the 13 issues a year issue! As my learned friend Mr Maskery says, think of it as Issue 150 and not the August issue and everything will be fine. It's not a problem to me - and I'm the one who has to write the issue date on the bottom of every page.

Newbie_Neil":3se4tbms said:
Hi Charley

Is this something that we could have permanently on UKW?


How do you mean Neil? Have the GW info on a database on ukw/forum post? If so we'll have to ask Andy, Pete and the GW gang very nicely for permission :)

I'm sure we'd be happy for you to link to our website for UKW visitors to access the GW index, but please set up any link to go to either to the main mag address or to the Index page itself and not to the FTP download address. As I'm sure you'll realise, we do want people to visit our website, but we want them to look round it and not just go straight to the download. I think Newbie Neil posted the best URL to use.

Hi Pete

It would be really helpful for everyone on this board if you would allow Charley to download one copy and set the database up on this site.

It is actually free advertising for you because, as far as I am aware, none of the other mags provide the search facility on their sites.

Just think, you would have access to almost FIVE HUNDRED UK WOODWORKERS. :roll:

I assume that we are your target market. :wink:

Sorry, no can do on that Neil. My Publishers and Ads people would be down on me like a ton of bricks. The idea of having access to the index on our site is to draw people onto the site (such as it is at present) and look around it - and thus attract ads etc. This would obviously not work if other people are putting it up on their site instead, even if it is in the interests of 500 forum users. It appears to be a mercenary world out there, unfortunately! Hopefully though (he said cheekily) a link would go up on this site, and of course we'd try to find a place for a reciprocal link to UKW (we're hoping to publish a links page of useful Forums, Suppliers etc. Mind you, I'll bring the subject up with the powers that be and see what their response is to your suggestion. Keep all available orifices ready and waiting ;-)

Pete Martin":qob3nl9y said:
Hopefully though (he said cheekily) a link would go up on this site, and of course we'd try to find a place for a reciprocal link to UKW
Courtesy dicates; After you, sir... :wink:
Hi Pete, I can understand why you can't allow UKW to import the spreadsheet into a database for the site. I can see no problem placing a link to your site/spreadsheet somewhere on the UKW site.

I'm sure your web designers can make their own database for your site. It's not a difficult task and as Neil says it'll be very popular.

Neil only 500 woodworkers?? The site attracts over 13,000 unique visits a month. It's a shame that they all don't use the forum but I'm not complaining as I feel the forums are doing well at the moment :)
Hi Pete

I'll do you a deal. The next List I am setting up is magazines. :roll:

Now, about that database. :wink:


If only our web people would let us have such luxuries as a dedicated searchable database. Unfortunately we're not deemed eminent enough (for which read we don't make enough £££s) to have anything other than what is called a core site - a heavily templated design with little or no flexibility to do anything useful. Still, after hassling for one for years, it's good to have at least some presence on the net! Thanks for offering a link. I'll sort out a reciprocal one when next I get to play with the website.

Pete Martin":3i03yhb9 said:
No. Ladies first ;-)
Damn... :lol:

Charley":3i03yhb9 said:
The site attracts over 13,000 unique visits a month.
Good lord, does it really? Wow. :shock:

Mr Understatement":3i03yhb9 said:
It's a shame that they all don't use the forum but I'm not complaining as I feel the forums are doing well at the moment :)
You think? :roll: :lol:

Cheers, Alf