Ok then

Bosch advertise their "white goods" heavily on TV here. The ad campaign is "like a Bosch", but Miele is better built , more money, and available from the more upmarket dealers , Liebherr is less available. The one I avoid now is Samsung , I have one of their fridge freezer combos doing duty as a tool cupboard , only 3 years old when it stopped being cold in either part at all suddenly, ventilator motor runs, as does compressor , but not enough compression ( ice forms on the expansion vanes ) or bad signaling between the various boards.Compressor is guaranteed 10 years, but the labour of replacing it and recharging the refrigerant is not covered, nor is the call out. Not being a registered heating refrigeration engineer, I can't get my hands on the refrigerant. Total repair would cost about what we paid for it, so ( it died one day in the heat of last summer, with the freezer full of meat ) we bought "non big brand" separate freezer and fridge units and plugged them in the same day.
They only have two years guarantee, but after that initial two years, for €90.00 per year they are both then ( and any other "white goods" stuff insured against breakdown with full parts and labour or replacement in 24 hours ) Another €30.00 to €50.00 covers TVs , computers ( we have many ) etc, cameras ( again many ). Another €25.00 or so covers tools.
I think the guys who write the policies don't know the cost of tools, or computers and cameras