Tony Spear
Established Member
Has anybody tried using the Tomek or Jet jigs on the Sheppach Tiger 2000/2500? :? :?
Tony Spear":31qble6v said:Thanks for that (only) response, it's very useful.
I spoke to a supplier today who won't totally commit himself, but he reckons that what fits the Jet should fit the Tormek as basically he thinks Jet is a Chaiwanese version of the Tormek with a few minor modifications.
Might be a worthwhile experiment anyway.
Anybody tried the Jet stuff on either the Sheppach or the Tormek?
Tony Spear":2ogwecow said:........
I'm not too good at freehand on gouges, due to physical limitations and all my life I've been a bugger for burning stuff with high speed grinders!
=D> =D> =D> Now that's what I call a practical approach to a problem, like Mark Sanger mentioned in a recent thread on another subject any method that does the job economically and effectively is a good one.tekno.mage":s7qgy75c said:.....It may be rather bad practise, but I find that I can flatten my Peter Child's wheel (which still eventually takes a slight groove in the middle when you sharpen a lot of gouges) very effectively by sharpening something like an axe or drawknife on it - moving a very wide blade like that across the whole stone soon wears down any high spots and neither of these items need a very critical grind. I'd rather resharpen my firewood axe than waste the stone using a diamond dresser to flatten it if I don't have to! I imagine the same idea would work on a softer stone too.
tekno.mage":1u9qvjot said:...
I've use a Scheppach Tiger 2000 with Tormek jigs for about 12 months now with very few problems. I bought the Tormek "woodturners set" of jigs as this contained most of what I wanted. The one thing that doesn't work with the Scheppach is the set of profiled leather honing wheels from Tormek, as the fitting on the honing end of the shaft is different.