If this is your first web site, ask yourself some pertinent questions first, then go looking for examples which fit the criteria you need.
1) Why do you want/need the site?
2) Will it need to contain any form of e-commerce coding (an on-line shop)?
3) How frequently will it need updating?
4) Where and with whom will you host the site?
5) Do you own your own domain name(s)?
If, for example, it's just a site for the fun of it and to reach a few like-minded surfers, there are plenty of easy ways to set one up for free - blogs, especially.
If it's to be a shop, look into the cost of being able to accept credit cards and the percentage required to provide the facility. Shop around.
If you would like to change the overall appearance occasionally, the use of style sheets will greatly help in the process. It's the preferred way, but some still don't use them.
If you're still considering a host, find out if they'll look after your domain registration too. If you already own a domain name, check if there are any fees for the hand-over to their server from any existing other server and if any conditions apply.
Above all, your web page must look inviting and be very quick to load the first page "above the fold." This means the very first screen-full that the visitor will see and comes from the impact of the first half of a folded newspaper - would you want to buy it to read more based on what you've seen first? The same principle applies to web pages and if the first one lacks interest and impact and/or is very slow to load, people will move on. Less is usually more on the front page - easy and clear navigation to other specific topics and/or pages is my preferred method.
Good luck and keep us in touch with progress, questions, etc.