I guess there's a few ways ....
The way I do mine (and I'm "mince" at goblets )... mount between centres, turn a tenon for the chuck end and make it nice and 'square-ended', with just enough so that when mounted, the 'shoulders' give added stability at the chuck-end...
Keep the tailstock supporting it for now ( once chucked )
Roughly shape the bowl part, outside ...
don't go NEAR trying the stem yet ...
Pull the Tail away, and hollow out the bowl bit ... its end-grain, so its a bit more of a 'long haul' than if it were sidegrain.. but you'll get there ...
Sand & Finish the inside.. cause you cant go back once you start down the stem etc...
Find a soft playball, or a wooden bung/plug or even scrunched up rags will work, and put it ( them ) into the bowl & re-support with the tailstock.. gentle pressure though, ok ....
Work away on the forming of the bowl... light cuts work the best...
then, as with most end-grain projects .. start working your way down the stem. and moving ever closer to the headstock end.
Working this way leaves more wood ath the chuck, to support the piece as you cut it to shape.
Leave a decent amount downwind of the base, to part off ...
Once you are happy, sand / finsh as required.. and part off, remembering to do it by 'concaving' the foot, so it is nice and stable when sitting up..
Roberts yer mutha's bruvva..
One gobboletto !
Thats kinda how I do them...
Other guys may be different.. ( and will make a better job than me )...
Plenty vid's on Youtube..
Good luck, and look forwards to the pics ! :lol: 8) :lol: 8) :lol: