Gents walking stick. Up Date number 1 and YEW (2)

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Alex the wheels are off casters from screw fix. There not the best but were at hand so I took them of the brackets. The fittings for the stick came from W L Wests near Midhurst.. The number is 01798 861611. Hope this helps.
Alex, post some pics when you've finished
making the rest please.My lathe has the same
single bar and i could get an idea off you of
how to make one.
Kev. :wink:
The yew stick photos I had posted, had to be scrapped. Too many flaws in the wood. Managed to find another peise of yew and started again. It is slightly longer than the mahogany stick and too my surprise I didn't need the steady when turning. One or two photos in the early stage and the rest are the finished article.





I still have a little finishing to do, but it's almost done.
Hi Malcolm,

Good work agan, Well done =D> =D> =D>

What is the finished length of your canes? Did you manage to fit the drinking tude in?


Thanks for your replies. I do enjoy turning, no templates, just imagination and a nice piece of wood should result in a nice item. The lenght of the yew stick is 975mm overall. The mahogany one was 30mm shorter. My way to gauge the length is to have your hand by your side, then bend at elbow to about 75 degrees that should be a nice comfortable height. Will be making a sword / dagger stick next.
Great maltrout512 ..Not got round to making the spindle support
yet. Just finishing off small jobs in shed..Have some nice wood stock
to turn when I'm ready. Managed to get hold of Two Brass
horses heads, 3 pool balls The black 8 balls,
One World War One bayonet designed to fit in a wood stock already
Was given another bayonet but it is a bit rusty will have to
try electrolysis to shift the rust..
So handles will not be a problem.
H&B looks like your stocked up and ready tooooo turn. That yew stick I didn't need a centre steady, just kept the chisel sharpe and taken off thin amounts at a time. It would be interesting to see your finished sword stick and how you made it. I have my idea and will use that method. Shall compare notes when they are both finished.
Here is the bayonet and horse head you can see it has a short thread
but it works

It has been doweled in place with a brass dowel
has a soft copper bush as it was designed to screw in to a metal

Just a closer pic of the thread

Here is the metal cane it went in rubbish, but the Idea was good..
Apparently it was an old ski pole.
It was joined by the hot and cold method..I'll just saw it off

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