For Dave.

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Established Member
28 Dec 2007
Reaction score
Late last night I contacted Dave for help with drawing a curved raised panel door. He showed me how to do it years ago, but I forgot :oops: .
Anyhow, Dave generously gave his time yet again, and guided me through the process.
What a top bloke.
Thank you Dave, you are a true Gent!

Here's a picture of a quick door. It's a bit messy as I didn't really clean it up well enough.


EDIT> I just clicked on my own picture, and tried to rotate the camera :D :roll: :shock:
Hi Adam, First I have to laugh. I tell everyone I talk to that they will try to orbit while looking at a photo or other 2D image after using SketchUp for awhile.

Good work on the door. You have endpoints turned on which makes the door look a bit rougher than it is.

I'm glad I was able to help you out. It was a lot easier this time than the last time.

Cheers, my friend.

Dave R":1b6p9awn said:
...First I have to laugh. I tell everyone I talk to that they will try to orbit while looking at a photo or other 2D image after using SketchUp for awhile.


It's not just in SketchUp.... :oops: I was in the middle of writing a set of user documentation in Word that had loads of screen dumps. I got called away for something or other and finally got back to my desk after a couple of hours. I needed to check out something on the system and I lost count how long I must have spent frantically clicking on one of the Submit buttons only to find that 'the system must have crashed as it's not working' :oops: :oops: :oops: