First W.I.P - Ride-on Kids Aeroplane.

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Established Member
15 Jan 2010
Reaction score
Buxton, Derbyshire
Hello all, been a member for quite a while now, and have never posted a W.I.P. I'm usually pretty busy so as this project was for my daughter's Christmas present I thought I'd make a bit more time and put a W.I.P together. Unfortunately I came down with a fever on the 2 days I'd put aside for doing it. So I did make a few mistakes along the way and didn't document the whole thing as much as I'd have liked. But here you go anyway, a ride-on 'plane for a 2 year old:

So we start with some dimensions that I aquired from another member on here (Cheers Si aka Knappers very kind of you to measure up for me! :)) and a rough guide to what it was going to look like in the end.

Then all parts cut & other elements like 10mm steel rod for the axles, non-marking rubber wheels for the front and fancy castors for the back.

Then all pieces of timber (I've only used Pine this time 'cos it's cheap and light and also this is a prototype) next time I'd definitely use a hardwood and make all the pieces slightly smaller and thinner. After the initial shaping I moved onto the router table and gave all parts a quick round-over. Also it was a ball-ache to glue up without having anything showing, as I used dowels. I think for the most part next time I'll just glue and screw and then plug the screw holes. This would save a lot of time and meither and I don't think it would detract too much from the overall effect.

Then a quick dry-fit with all parts except both sets of wheels and the axles etc.



This is a picture of some of the dowelling that had to be done. (Sorry I missed out a fair few-pics of this part of the build, was starting to feel really s***e at this point!)

Dry-fit of the seat and tail:


Note to self (and anyone else, make the seat easier to attach to the main-body)
And if doing any staining finishing, probably best to do as much of this as possible first. :)

Used band clamps for attaching seat and tail to the main body. Titebond II used throughout.

Choices of stain to be used for certain parts:

More dowelling and after some staining ready to glue up. Note that the tail is stained here, this is a mistake that I made and had to sand back, I also made a mistake on one of the front wheels, one hub is not exactly square and this really annoyed me. Working when ill seems like it's prone to many silly mistakes. :D

Finished article, after some staining and varnishing. Used Liberon Palette wood dye, and Diamond Tough Varnish intended for floors. Not reall sure about the colurs, I wanted to do a few pinstripes to accentuate certain parts of the shapes on the wings and tails. Black and Pink were to be the colours, but I had lost enough patience and time by this point! :)


One happy customer :D It's surprisingly easy to move around. She absolutely loves it. Not bad for a prototype build me-thinks. Now onto the kitchen that I'm gonna make her!


Cheers for looking_Dan
Great job, glad to see you made it very child friendly with the rounded corners. If you are going to make her a kitchen try IKEA for inspiration as they have a self-contained children's kitchen unit you could base it on.
Love the overall shape and finish, but I wonder if having straight trailing edges might be better for children.
One slip and those spikey bits might cause a bit of an injury. Just a minor point, but maybe a something to think about for version 2?

Shultzy":3t982tuv said:
Great job, glad to see you made it very child friendly with the rounded corners. If you are going to make her a kitchen try IKEA for inspiration as they have a self-contained children's kitchen unit you could base it on.

I'll have a gander cheers mate, I'm thinking something along the lines of this here or this here, maybe a bit simpler and not quite such an "in your face paint job". :)

Kalimna":3t982tuv said:
Love the overall shape and finish, but I wonder if having straight trailing edges might be better for children.
One slip and those spikey bits might cause a bit of an injury. Just a minor point, but maybe a something to think about for version 2?


The one that I loosely based it on had very straight sides/ wings and looked fine, I just wanted a bit more detail to it. The 'sharp' corners aren't nearly as sharp as they look. She'd have to try very hard to injure herself on them :D I might try a slightly different shape next time though, she could do with somewhere to actually grab the wings properly. Duly noted though, thanks for the input.

Cheers barkwindjammer :)

I had just been wondering last night how this little project had gone. Very nice job. Very nice indeed.
I will just add that that my little fella finds the hand holes in the trailing edges of the wings on his very useful for helping to manoeuvre the plane around.
Hi Dan,

I love it! You've inspired me to build one for my young nephew. Could you please confirm the widest dimension of the body as I don't believe that the front section is 80mm deep as the dimensions given by Knappers suggests (I'm guessing that the 80mm refers to the section under the seat)?


P.S. How old is your daughter?
chris_d":1971515y said:
Hi Dan,

I love it! You've inspired me to build one for my young nephew. Could you please confirm the widest dimension of the body as I don't believe that the front section is 80mm deep as the dimensions given by Knappers suggests (I'm guessing that the 80mm refers to the section under the seat)?


P.S. How old is your daughter?

Hi Chris,

The body is 40mm wide (thick), and it's 80mm deep (high) under the seat going up to 150mm where it meets the wings. I only made it 40mm thick because I had no way of cutting it down safely, you could get away with much thinner. Although I think you're talking about the height of the body. My daughter's 2 and 2 months, but she's pretty small for her age.

Yeah I wish I'd put some hand holes in for her to steer it about Si, she manages, but it'd be a hell of a lot easier if they were there. 'Spose that's the thing with prototypes.


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