Finishing Kitchenware (treen)

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17 Jun 2019
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So, I have been puzzling on this for a very long time. Finishing wooden spoons is straightforward- they don’t have to be waterproof or stain resistant but what about bowls and cups- if I want to make a wooden mug for hot coffee, or a soup bowl, or whatever, what should I finish it with, both to stop the liquids leaking (do they leak? Am I overthinking it?) and to prevent stains, without affecting taste ? Is an oil finish up to the task? Epoxy is not something I want to contemplate..,
I would be not to use wood for things like hot coffee, soup etc because pottery is more hygienic and better to use. I have used chopping board oil on cutting boards etc but thats is about as far as I would go.
It's not uncommon to use wooden cups (or bamboo) in some parts of the world and wooden ladles (for drinking and anointing) are seen in temples in Japan and Indonesia. The wood is just left raw. If you would not drink or eat the oil, don't put it on a drinking vessel !

You occasionally see wooden wine goblets too, usually turned in Yew, Holly etc.