Established Member
I'm in need of some emergency assistance. I've made a penguin but something odd has happened with the finish. I sanded to 320, used Hampshire microcrystaline wax followed by Hampshire sheen and it looked great. I put it aside while I did the nose. It took me a while, I have to try a couple of noses as I've not done much 'fine' work. Before doing any of the wax stuff I wipe down with isopropyl alcohol to clear any debris and give me an idea of the final look and/or where I need to work more.
If you look at the pictures below you can see pitting and some white stuff. It wasn't there when I put it aside and I have no idea what to do to remove it. Any clues?
This is a gift and I don't really have time to remake it. Where has this come from? Is it from the Hampshire stuff?
If you look at the pictures below you can see pitting and some white stuff. It wasn't there when I put it aside and I have no idea what to do to remove it. Any clues?
This is a gift and I don't really have time to remake it. Where has this come from? Is it from the Hampshire stuff?