flanajb":27xfbyxm said:
On close inspection I can see the timber grain and would like to fill it so that when it is finished the grain is not visible. If I ha not already primer it I would have used a car body filler compound, but as I have primed with water based morrells primer I am not sure how to proceed?
Filling the grain will not hide it, it will just fill it. Instead of seeing the open texture of the wood, and being able to feel it, you'll see the filler and the surface will be flat instead of undulating-- this assumes of course that you are working with an open pored, ring porous, or coarsely textured wood like oak, ash, wenge, etc. There's little point generally in trying to grain fill a fine textured or diffuse porous wood such as sycamore, maple, cherry, etc. In my experience car body filler never seems to work for the job I understand you want to do, ie, grain filling. I guess from your description of what you want to achieve you should be looking for a "grain filler".
It's common practice to grain fill after applying a first coat of polish. It's also common practice to fill prior to applying a sealer coat, and it depends what kind of look you are after. If you wish to fill the grain now I suggest you look for a proprietary grain filler, but as you are using water based polish I suggest you look for a water based grain filler-- water based polishes don't take kindly to oils waxes, etc under them, and most grain fillers in a ready mixed can use white spirit (oil) as their solvent. Behlen are one producer of water based grain fillers. I've never used the particular product the link below points you to so I cannot tell you how it performs. Slainte.
http://www.behlen.co.uk/Merchant2/merch ... Code=FILLE