files and rasps

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Established Member
4 Sep 2005
Reaction score
Thurrock, Essex
I would like to practice some wood shaping and have decided I should probably get some info on tools.

So, very simply. What is suggested as a good beginner set of files/rasps What should I know about their use, what does the terminology of the different types of teeth/cut mean?

Any info warmly received.
Ok, temporarily de-lurking here since I have a good resource. There is a thread on woodnet that is legendary and I've been working on distilling Slav's posts down to a tight pdf file. Have a look, it's a great read:


whoops, I fear I may have posted a link that is not allowed here? Moderators, my apologies if this is the case.
Hi Byron

No doubt Philly and Alf will show off their Aurious, and others their Nicholson #49 and 50s (these are reputedly great rasps). All high on my List, and getting higher every day. In addition to a variety of standard Nicholson files, I have a set of cheap rifflers, and it is the latter that I want to suggest you look out for. They are able to take of wood fast but also at awkward angles. You can see a couple here (and others in the background).


Regards from Perth

BB, I'd suggest a close look at the hand-stiched rasps from China stocked by Matthew at Workshop Heaven (no affiliation except he's a forum member). I invested in the medium and extra-fine (iirc) short "crossing rasps" for doing handles and they're very effective. Mind you they're a little more aggressive than certainly "extra-fine" suggested to me so I imagine the coarse ones are positively frightening. For files I went with the recommendation of William Duffield on Badger Pond many years ago and have seen no reason to regret it yet - I'd have to check the sizes if you were desirous of knowing them.

Cheers, Alf
Concur - have a couple of the Chinese rasps from Workshop Heaven, and they are vicious (teeth more like cactus spikes), but great for the money.

Also check Joel's hand cut Gramercy rasps at Tools for Working Wood. These are closer in tooth style to Aurios, though seem to be less 'handed' which is useful at times.

StewMacs Dragon Rasps are supposed to be worth a look - I have a couple in the post at the mo, so can't comment yet.


Visit Dieter Schmidt and Dick tools websites

Dick have chinese rasps that work nearly as well as Auriol but cost abiout 10% of the price!!! I find themn very good
Here's a few prices I have have found in my searches:
Dick - Hand cut Herdim (source?) from 38Euros and Chinese (not HC?) from 5Euros.
Dieter Schmid - Milani (Italian) HC's from 15Euros and Auriou from 60Euros
Workshop Heaven - Chinese HC from £8.50

I have ordered some from WH and a couple of the cheapo Chinese from Dicks. Erring on the finer range in light of the comments!
Will keep you posted.

Mmm, nice one, John. Must admit that's always put me off rifflers, but an excuse for handle-making could speedily convert me. :D Which handle design did you prefer in the end?

Cheers, Alf
Hi Alf, the first and last ones fit best for me. The rifflers are just epoxied into plain holes in the handles.

Try this one, inventor. I agree, difficult to link to website pages are a PITA. :evil:

Cheers, Alf

Edit: it occurs to me it might not work if you're not logged in to Knots. Websites that do that are a PITA too... :lol: