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Steve Maskery

Established Member
26 Apr 2004
Reaction score
I was marking out a rod on my trestles frame behind the workshop when I heard this almights screeching noise. I looked up to see a heron, hardly above hedge height, being harried by two crows. Of course, by the time I'd got my camera they were nowhere to be seen :(. It was quite spectacular, though.
'tis nothing. ;) I saw a Kite (the feathered variety) being beaten up by a single crow whilst walking near Thame over Easter. They can be some vicious buggers!

I think a Kite trumps a Heron, who can beat that?!
I reckon Roy will have seen a disabled crow defeat a dragon. :lol:
Not sure if this is any better but we regularly have a kestrel that hovers directly over our allotment plot. Its absolutely silent and you only notice it when you happen to look up.

Its looking for small things to eat in the very overgrown plot next to ours.

Anyway, there are 3 or 4 crows that chase it off. Didn't think that they would even attempt it, but the mob mentality seems to set in and they go charging in and make a right racket!
The local Magpies have decimated the song bird population here leaving only the pigeons to crap everywhere.

Some of the fights were spectacular if a little blood thirsty.

I have seen crows harry a heron, too........but from about 100 metres away. They chased it for at least half a mile.....I wonder what it is about herons that crows don't like?

We're on the flight path of peregrines coming from an adjacent island to hunt on ours. It's amazing the heights the crows will fly when they're chasing it.
We always get a couple of crows chasing the buzzards around here, maybe crows can move faster or something 'cos you'd imagine a buzzard would annihilate a crow :shock:

And recently a duck chasing another duck but that's less exciting!
The crows chase the buzzards around here as well.

I was once sat in our lounge when I saw this flash past the window, heard a screech and then saw a pile of feathers. A sparrowhawk had just caught a pigeon in flight and was taking it off to feed to the chicks.

This morning some crow/rook things were trying to build a nest at the top of our chimney. Two fell down the chimney, one died the other had to be let out the window. I hope that will be an end to plans for our chimney. However as there were four or five of them hanging around I am not convinced. not least because last week they set the burglar alarm off by one of them falling down the chimney!!
Steve Maskery":82ebq5mk said:
Hi Martin
Yes, but no, sorry.

Perhaps it should be Airbourne offence?

Have you edited all the posts re the clue, Steve as I can't see any difference. Do you mean airborne or airbourne?

I mean Airborne :oops: How very embarrassing for someone who regularly moans about the standard of the written word. Sorry all (I did think it looked odd but it didn't twig what was wrong).

Roger, the differnce is only the question mark.

No right answer so far.

When I helped my 'keepering uncle as a lad,
we'd peg a fox-fur out, or a live ferret, and the crows went nuts dive-bombing it.

Maybe its some sort of territorial thing with them,I'm not sure .

They're aggresive beasties though.

With very young lambs, they will zoom in, and peck out the eyes.
(sorry thats a bit 'unpallateable' ..) but thats what they do.

Quite a nasty customer, is Mr Crow. :shock:

They'll 'harrang' a buzzard too ...
almost 3 times their own size !

For the x-word, I thought 'Sortie' too, but its been 'bombed-out' already !
:wink: 8)