I've had to do this on my TS200
the adjustment is not the bolts that hold the table to the case but the bolts that hold the blade/motor to the table. which I think is the conclusion you've all arrived at anyway.
they go through the two aluminium block things (item 72 on the picture)and I found them a complete pig to adjust as their placement makes it almost impossible to get any finesse on the tapping required to adjust.
In the end I turned the saw upside down, completely removed the bolts and aluminium blocks, cleaned it all, removed any burrs or lumps on the blocks and table where they 'run' to ensure it wasn't catching, lubricated the running area with Vaseline and put it all back together. It adjusted better after that.
One word of caution - once I got it straight was very pleased until I needed to cut at 45 degrees and the blade couldn't tilt that far without touching the table as the carriage was too far over to the left (as you use it). so check that before you put everything back together.
It is a naff adjustment though