Favourite Instagram Woodworkers


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Established Member
4 Mar 2016
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I thought seeing as we've got a favourite youtuber thread why not have a favourite instagram thread?for woodworkers you like.

any suggestions?


I've tried looking at some people's work on Instagram.

I find that I can see a few recent posts but then everything is hidden behind a big instruction to sign up for an account.

As I really don't want anything to do with Facebook or its subsidiaries, I'm not going to do so. Even our own DCMS called them out as "digital gangsters".
https://www.parliament.uk/business/comm ... hed-17-19/

Sorry Instagram fans, you'll have to manage without me and many others.
Dave Dalby, Richard Findlay and Stevethewoodturner - 3 awesome production woodturners in the uk, all incredibly helpful and willing to share their craft.
MikeG.":3dv4kszc said:

Wait, don't tell me, I know I've heard of it.
AndyT":3dv4kszc said:
I've tried looking at some people's work on Instagram.

I find that I can see a few recent posts but then everything is hidden behind a big instruction to sign up for an account.

As I really don't want anything to do with Facebook or its subsidiaries, I'm not going to do so.


Sorry Instagram fans, you'll have to manage without me and many others.
I feel the same. A lot of guys have stopped posting on forums and now post on Instagram.

I've been encouraged to join them. But I've looked and I just don't like the format. Forums are fickle enough, but I just don't see that any serious record can be achieved on Instagram - I guess the "Insta" (short for "instant gratification") is a clue.

It's probably fine for regular chit chat and humour - but that's secondary to me.

I also share Andy's distrust of Facebook and friends.

Cheers, Vann (the dinosaur (hammer) ).

ps. After problems with photos on one forum I was encouraged to use Photobucket - about six months before that platform turned to custard. Nuff said.
InstaG is great for one off posts, but not really suitable for producing a stream of information, unlike an online forum or even UToob. I usually stick something on there once in while to indicate progress or something else which is particularly salient. Unlike FB, InstaG allows the use of a 'tag' name so unless his or her actual name is used, it can sometimes be quite difficult to work out who's actually behind the post.
That said, it is a useful platform and I personally find the woody community there quite entertaining with all the usual banter.

I like to see Andy Pickard's work (turning and letter carving) as well as Richard Findley (woodturning) Matt from WH is also there.

Many users though tend to make posts which are far too long...screenfuls in fact, so I 'click away' with 10 seconds. When I worked for Ax it was drummed into us that posts on InstaG should be read inside 15 seconds; if not the reader will almost certainly 'click away' - Rob

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