Fathers Day?


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I'm afraid you you have invented your own definition of expensive.

The Oxford Dictionary defines expensive as "costing a lot of money".

Those planes are expensive as well as costing a lot of money.:wink: As they are said to perform no better than off the shelf items, you can understand why I think that they are a fashion item in the same way a Cartier watch is a fashion item.

I don't suggest for a minute that they aren't fine examples of engineering.
Mike Garnham":2kqabrxx said:
you can understand why I think that they are a fashion item in the same way a Cartier watch is a fashion item.
While I agree with much of what you say Mike, all I will add is, just because they are massively expensive that doesn't make it wrong to make/sell/buy/covet them, just that it's not your cup of tea.

We could all say this about a million things in our lives, and all disagree on each others choices, that's the rich tapestry of human choice :D
Mike - if you had rather received a fruit cake instead of a Holtey plane then you are in the wrong forum! :)

Rod ( who has a Holtey and uses it!!)
This is one of those topics that occurs in all walks of life where a luxury item (defined though its cost) always has a different "value" to everyone.

If you have to purchase a tool to put food on the table, you will look at the price vs how well it does the job and its estimated lifetime This also applies to a car, if you are a taxi driver you may choose a Nissan bluebird cos its dirt cheap and never breaks down. The fact is has no performance or handling or nice toys inside is irrelevant as it will be ferrying drunken revellers home who don't car what it looks like. If on the other hand you are trying to get execs to the airport on time that Merc E class may be just the job and the higher fares you can charge will be enough to pay for the higher cost of the car.

Now in the amateur woodworker/driver the cost utility benefit is completely detached from the utility of the tool/car because for most of us we will never recoup the cost of our equipment from selling furniture or some woodworking income or charging our friends for a lift to the pub! Now the cost becomes a hobby expense and only impacted by our own justification of cost to "desire".

As soon as we "desire" things we are in trouble and common sense in a business sense goes out the window. BUT as long as we are not putting the family out of a house and home why shouldn't we have nice things, I have loads of stuff that I buy because of its aesthetic appeal rather than its utility. I model trains and have bought hand made loco's for £500 each (rather too many really) instead of an off the shelf version as they are much better looking but only run a fraction better than a £70 version. Possibly a bit silly but the pleasure I get from the nice stuff is there every time I see them.

I personally don't aspire to a Holtey, but I definitely appreciate the attraction to them and in a lottery win situation would probably have to have one.

Edit, I don't think they fit with my definition of fashion but see what you are saying, I think I would call them "Wants".
This pic is just to wind Mike up I've posted it before :lol:


I suspect your looking at £20,000 + on the table never mind whats hiding on the floor :lol:

No none are mine, they are Robin Lee's :cry: But boy would I love to own them :lol:

Quite a few years ago now, I used to shell out quite a proportion of my weekly wage & holiday entitlement watching cricket at Grace road.

Then I realised I could watch a match at my local park for free :wink:
lurker":3up07e5i said:

Quite a few years ago now, I used to shell out quite a proportion of my weekly wage & holiday entitlement watching cricket at Grace road.

Then I realised I could watch a match at my local park for free :wink:


The difference is that Leicestershire CCC would wipe the floor with any local club side, but these fancy planes are seemingly no better than off-the-shelf models.

Mike Garnham":6wli5mmy said:
The difference is that Leicestershire CCC would wipe the floor with any local club side,

Now that they have a decent wicket keeper that might be true :wink: :lol:
lurker":2kgt57jw said:
Mike Garnham":2kgt57jw said:
The difference is that Leicestershire CCC would wipe the floor with any local club side,

Now that they have a decent wicket keeper that might be true :wink: :lol:

Yep, agreed.........Tolchard really was utter rubbish......... :D
Well done Jim. An analogy Mike can understand ;) :lol:
Well, last Sunday morning I got huge slobbery licks from my dog and that'll do me for Fathers day!

AND whilst we're on the subject of Cricket, wasn't it your erstwhile skipper Mr. Garnham who said that slow bowlers couldn't get people out?
No! Never.

The most successful sides in county cricket have generally been the ones with the best spinners.........Childs and Such during my time with Essex, for instance..........

.............but hey..........we're getting dragged a thousand miles off topic here!


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