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11 Oct 2014
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Had a friend beg me on saturday to make a yin yang box for his wifes birthday (friday)

Made it with three days to spare!.

But I wont work to that deadline ever again.


Alex, note the knobs... Cut with a hole saw minus the pilot drill, forstner bits cant do that.

Also, for the first time I flocked the whole interior and the leading edge of the box. Although it hides the nice patterns, it makes the drawer incredibly smooth in operation. Also flocked the facing lip of the drawer front, so its soft close as well.
There's no end to you tallents young man.
I have seen interiors flocked before but never done it myself. I always use small round felt pads from British Felt. Buy them in a 200 roll. Usually three on the loewer side of the drawer and a larger one on the interior back to deaden the closing sound.
Flock the interior of the next box, then find someone to buy all your unused pads.
Blimey sunnybob, deadline or not (6 days????) that looks great. I'd say very well done however long it took, but in that timescale, nothing short of a miracle in my view.


(And thanks for reminding me why I don't want to make stuff to sell - "deadlines (of any duration? NO thanks!).

The box was delivered to him wednesday afternoon, after I said I would make it late saturday afternoon. 2 and a half days start to finish.
It was my fault. I showed him the earlier squashed yin yang box on the friday and he wanted to buy it on the spot. I told him another mutual friend had asked first. When we were all at the club the next day I told the first man I had a second buyer and he bought it on the spot, leaving the other guy somewhat stuck. I didnt know if I could do it or not as this was on the saturday. i said i would see what wood I had but if I had to go buy some on monday he was out of luck.
Well. he was lucky. My wife was not so lucky, 8 hours sunday, 8 hours monday, and another 4 hours tuesday got it done.
Luckily she knows both people and their wives, so I only got slight ear ache.
First time I have ever known how long it takes to make a box.
Taking the materials into consideration, I was working for about 80 pence per hour.

Never again!

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