The box was delivered to him wednesday afternoon, after I said I would make it late saturday afternoon. 2 and a half days start to finish.
It was my fault. I showed him the earlier squashed yin yang box on the friday and he wanted to buy it on the spot. I told him another mutual friend had asked first. When we were all at the club the next day I told the first man I had a second buyer and he bought it on the spot, leaving the other guy somewhat stuck. I didnt know if I could do it or not as this was on the saturday. i said i would see what wood I had but if I had to go buy some on monday he was out of luck.
Well. he was lucky. My wife was not so lucky, 8 hours sunday, 8 hours monday, and another 4 hours tuesday got it done.
Luckily she knows both people and their wives, so I only got slight ear ache.
First time I have ever known how long it takes to make a box.
Taking the materials into consideration, I was working for about 80 pence per hour.
Never again!