fast (ish) hollowing tool?

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Established Member
20 Feb 2017
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Hi all,

I'm considering buying a hollowing tool and looking at ones like sorby sovereign, crown revolution and oneway termite or open to other suggestions

I'm essentially looking for the fastest one.

You need to consider what you want to hollow before buying the tool(s). Ones like the sovereign or revolution have the large knuckle joints which would prevent them from use for hollowing through a small hole. Some tools work better on green wood than dry. Some tools allow articulation of the tip and some are fixed. etc. etc.

Many things to consider and you may well end up deciding that one tool won't do it all!

Probably the cheapest all round hollowing tool is a ring tool. I have many hollowing tools but still use the ring tool extensively as it's quick and effective.

The best thing to do would be to find friends with the tools you are interested in and ask if you can use their tool to try it out before buying your own.
I have the Simon Hope carbide pro hollowing tool, heavy round shaft with a 6mm carbide tip. I also have the hook end for undercutting. For a while I struggled with it, horrible grabby thing, so barely used it. I wished I'd got a square shaft tool which seems a bit easier to use. Then it all came good, got the technique right, trusted myself to run the lathe at higher speeds, and it cuts amazingly fast even in end grain oak. .So fast that It's easy to go through the bottom or side of a box, but if you go through the bottom you can always pretend you had always planned to make serviette rings.

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