Hi devonwoody,
I have been recommended to view this site and have just registered, some excellant topics discussed, with regards your query on fans built into workshop doors,(i have to admit i havent seen the one in GWW as yet) before i finished my current workshop i had a large extractor fan wall mounted in my last workshop, i didnt have a large roof space so it was mounted about 6foot off the ground, from personal experience it was a bad move as it allowed in wind if it wasnt switched on, it was also very noisy which i couldnt bear for long periods, after wearing hearing protectors my ears resembled pork chops within 1/2 hour or so running, it might work great in a warm climate but not in sunny scotland.
for fine dust i use air filters i have a jet one and also a home built one 'thread'(you can see home built one in GWW issue 150), these filters are excellant at controllling fine dust in day to day activitys. but it really depends on what you are trying to control, if its dust the standerd filters are fine if its fume you would need charcoal type filters, check out next issue of GWW for a more in depth on these. sorry for going off topic slightly but these fans are used more for spray based finishing, if that is what you are wanting the fan for then try and have it so you can shutter it in when its not required, machine mart do supply them but as it was mentioned at a price, DJ manning Auctioneers based in scotland have a huge sale every year with machine mart returns there were a large number at there last sale not sure if thats a good or bad point though hope this was of help