I have one but your using it for the wrong reason.
You don't want to try and do business from facebook you want to use it to drive traffic to your website. Not just FB but twitter, delicious, stumble upon, folkd and so forth, there are loads.
You may have heard of SEO (search engine optimisation). A complicated and large subject, its a process in which to optimise your website to gain a better ranking on search engines for relative key phases. SEO also follows the trends so its no surprise that social networking and bookmarking is a large part of the seo process now. What this means is the more links you have on Facebook and other social networking sites the better. Also social bookmarking sites. The idea behind a facebook page is, one get more social coverage on your website and more links and two, to drive more traffic to your website. Now the idea behind Blogs is to keep users on your website. This improves whats called a bounce rate. The longer a user spends on your website the better your site will seem to google and search engines. If someone simply clicks to your website then clicks off, search engines will think the site isn't very good and rank you down.
So you have a blog on your website, a galley, videos or other media that will keep people on your website for a few minutes.These people don't have to be looking for your services, the fact there on your site and staying improves your bounce rate which means your site will be more likely to pop up on the first page in searches on search engines from people that are looking for your services.
So you use your FB page to create a buzz about a blog/galley/feature on your site and gain followers that will stay on your website. You keep updating your FB page to advertise new blog entries, new photos, new news etc.
Its not that easy though. You need to get "likes" and make sure any links are relative to your key phases.
The question isn't is it important but how important. If your the only one with a website that covers the areas you do then its not to important but still a good thing to make sure you stay at the top when a new site is launched and is a competitor. It only becomes not important when most if not all your work comes from non online sources.