Experimental pyro`d bowl! (update)


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I'm no expert, but did it even need a lid? I see the rebate you've included to hold one, but didn't notice it at first and the bowl seemed fine without.

To my mind, the lid obscures the constrast between the pyro exterior and the plain interior. It also detracts from the form, which is a simple conical frustrum that appeals to the mathematician in me. I suppose a flat lid would make the frustrum more complete, but it would hide the hemispherical focal point.

Just my 2p.

Thanks for the comments chaps.
Must admit the only mathematical thing I`ve tried in the past is the golden mean on one of my bowls which kind of looked ok but I take your point about whether it needs a lid or not? maybe if I had not included a rebate for a lid when making it :-k
Have to chew on it for a short while (or maybe get a life :lol: )
Steve that looks really effective :D
When i saw the first lid my first thought was to ahave had a taller lid matching the angle of the bowl,but i think what you have done here really works.