never one to leave a dead horse unflogged, I was looking into whether there were any significant improvements to Record's design from the 1920s/30s. The short answer seems to be 'no' - the Record QR is a lulu.
However, I think an honourable mention should go to the 'Twentieth Century' vice that, should you have seen one, you will surely remember:
Bugbear in an earlier discussion ((
old-vice-t73056.html)) did all the leg work to uncover the history - there are two patents for the vice taken out by Abraham Chris, a Russian immigrant living in Brick Lane London: ... cale=en_EP ... cale=en_EP
The earlier patent from 1922 describes a base plate designed to simplify the attachment of the vice to a bench, and the second is a modification to accomodate a QR mechanism.
I mention it now because one recently came up on an ebay and we can see what Mr Chris was up to:
Although the patent describes a base-plate with one or more transverse ribs that engage with corresponding mortices on the underside of the bench, the actual implementation is a series of raised pointed cylinders. This seems like a decent idea since you could use the points to mark the underside of the bench and then drill holes rather than chopping a mortice.
Fair play to Mr Chris for getting someone to make them for him and selling a few. Extra plaudits for naming the vice 'The twentieth Century' and then coming up with an ornate face that harks back to the 18C. The few that have appeared online are all different colours, so it is not possible to be sure what they originally looked like - hopefully they were suitably garish!