Electrolytic rust removal


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Just have to find a transformer that works on DC :D

(I think he means a 12V PSU(Power Supply Unit))

Pete, backing away....
How can this be getting so complicated I never got a degree in physics just get an AC to 12v DC transformer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if a lad with a train set can do it I'm sure you can...
Hi, Serco

Its not complicated, we are just stressing the use of the correct terminology which is VERY important.

Now lighten up :wink:

I did use a smilie after all.


seaco":4imf3jtx said:
How can this be getting so complicated I never got a degree in physics just get an AC to 12v DC transformer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if a lad with a train set can do it I'm sure you can...

Out of the following - http://www.maplin.co.uk/search?criteria ... ransformer - which would you recommend? Which one is rated for continuous output?

How much current does electrolysis require? Or should the OP buy one that puts out loads?

Hopefully you get the picture - it isn't as easy as

seaco":4imf3jtx said:
just get an AC to 12v DC transformer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stuff ain't complicated - if you take a little time to learn the basics. It might be getting a little complicated for you - because you seem to be repeating the same mantra over and over again - transformer, transformer and on and on - bit like you are hearing us but you ain't listening.

For the OP - hopefully, he'll take a little time to learn, before he parts with his money. You are entirely at liberty to short a car battery in series with a charger or just buy

seaco":4imf3jtx said:
an AC to 12v DC transformer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, Dibs

None of those in your Maplins link will be suitable an old battery charger is the best thing, cheap and rugged.

The Switched mode PSUs will probably not work because the protection circuitry will shut them down.

Plus you searched for 12V transformer which was what I was trying to stop, it’s a 12V DC PSU you need (Car battery chargers will give out 14-16V a car battery conprises of 6, 2.2V lead acid cells giving 14.4 volts)

Racers":3b2tpgcy said:
Hi, Dibs

None of those in your Maplins link will be suitable an old battery charger is the best thing, cheap and rugged.

The Switched mode PSUs will probably not work because the protection circuitry will shut them down.

Plus you searched for 12V transformer which was what I was trying to stop, it’s a 12V DC PSU you need (Car battery chargers will give out 14-16V a car battery conprises of 6, 2.2V lead acid cells giving 14.4 volts)



Yes I knew - it was more a case of hopefully having someone stop that mantra - "12 VDC transformer, 12VDC transformer.... "

Bath bombs !-they contain citric acid you know


A transformer transforms AC to AC from one potential to another by induction.

It does not output DC. Full stop...QED...Nuff said....end. Sorry my friend..the others are correct. :wink:

For anyone not sure about the dangers of spark, hydrogen, current levels, acid or overheating...I think electolysis may well be something to steer clear of...

Corro Dip is fantastic...harmless....effective...and doesn't require electricity.



Bubble fizz during.....


No black residue either...it wipes off...



It's expensive but dilutes to huge volumes (6:1) and the fact that you can reuse it makes it economical in the end...
I use caustic soda to clean up rusty stuff like hinges. Works ok, but burns a bit when it splashes on your feet... #-o

I might try electrolysis next time.

I've done the electrolysis now; I followed the advice of Seaco, thanks by the way, and it worked like a dream. I just got an old 12V model railway power unit and set to work. It worked so well, in fact, that I have got another power unit to run two systems at the same time. Here's a link to the thread I started about tool renovation, the electrolysis is towards the bottom of the page.


I don't think I have ever seen such a thread with so many nay sayers and doom merchants. They seem only to be concerned with being seen as right and the authority to be followed.

Hydrogen explosion. You joke or simply overestimate the volume of hydrogen created in a garage set up, with the door open. I challenge whoever said that to quote me one case of a home owner being exploded by doing this sort of electrolysis. Bah !.

Its simply a case of those with little knowledge/ experience of electrolysis/poor grasp of reality making up stories and repeating bar room title tattle. The loony who started on about "shorting out batteries" should be removed from the site. Its simply a case of poor imagination. No one even remotely suggested that anyone would short out a battery.

To those who reported battery explosions and damaged eyes I have great sympathy and understanding. Dreadful thing to happen. I'm sure it was in a controlled and HSE managed environment.

Really bloody annoyed here.
beech1948":opwq2wd7 said:
I don't think I have ever seen such a thread with so many nay sayers and doom merchants. They seem only to be concerned with being seen as right and the authority to be followed.

Hydrogen explosion. You joke or simply overestimate the volume of hydrogen created in a garage set up, with the door open. I challenge whoever said that to quote me one case of a home owner being exploded by doing this sort of electrolysis. Bah !.

Its simply a case of those with little knowledge/ experience of electrolysis/poor grasp of reality making up stories and repeating bar room title tattle. The loony who started on about "shorting out batteries" should be removed from the site. Its simply a case of poor imagination. No one even remotely suggested that anyone would short out a battery.

To those who reported battery explosions and damaged eyes I have great sympathy and understanding. Dreadful thing to happen. I'm sure it was in a controlled and HSE managed environment.

Really bloody annoyed here.

Any comments on the importance (or not) of the difference between a transformer and a DC power supply?

Here's a guy doing electrolysis "carefully":



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