ok, so this was one of those weekends.
got invited to my cousin's and the word was, can you drill a hole through a wall for a telephone extension cable, and oh by the way, build a flat pack radiator cover?
so two drills, sds, and battery, lots of sds drills, my trend snappy kit.
electric cable, tape, level, some screws and plugs.
get there, open the box for the cover, and discover it is too high to go between the radiator and the bottom of the window ledge. so it needed cutting. did not take a saw. cousin has old wickes hardpoint rip.
make a mess so sat we go off to wickes and b&q and end up with a ryobi
jigsaw. on special 500 watt saw, 30 blades, and an mp3 player all for under 30 quid. now i am not a good jigsaw user, but the blades are worth more than the jigsaw :? and they have some spring clamps, 12 for 7.99
useful for holding the sides of the cover whilst i jigsaw it. not very good for accurate cuts though. clamps have good initial gip, but no sideways value.
anyway finally got it assembled, not perfect but next time i go back, will
take some other more useful tools.
point is i was told that the radiator cover was the right width, but no one had thought to measure the heights, so as hugh laurie says in "House"
customers/patients lie. or to be more exact don't give you the whole story. :twisted: :roll:
which is why i tend to take more than i need rather than less whenever i go out.
oh and the hole. had to buy a 14mm sds drill. because the phone extension plastic bit is about 12/13 across the square. drill from both side, and it still is not enough. so thank good ness i had an sds chisel in the box too . that punched the last bit out.
just goes to show, you never know what you will need unless you scope the job first, and even then do you always make sure the walls are square, the floor level, take your pipe and electrical finder etc???
which makes tim's original question a real poser to answer properly,
and also shows that my original answer was a little glib, but we all do it don't we? :roll:
no help tim, but another viewpoint :lol:
paul :wink: