Dust masks. Do you shave?


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Established Member
21 Aug 2020
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I'd never considered until recently a clean shave is a good idea when wearing a dust mask.

Consider the width of a human hair is approx 70 microns. That allows plenty of space for those small dust particles to get in.
I allowed my facial hair to grow a couple of years ago, but found that my dust mask didn't seal as well, so went back to being clean shaven.

They tell me I look ten years younger. :)
Getting a good seal on a face is notoriously hard, mostly for respirators it's critical. Hence the Soviet approach of going over the entire head
My BIL went to a chemical site to repair a broken water pump he had on hire there. The gate guard would not let him on site because he had a beard and he had to get a clean shaved engineer to visit instead. The reason being that he would not get a good seal on the emergency respirator they would issue him with for use in the event of a leak on site, they made some seriously dangerous chemicals.

I have a full beard and when wearing a proper 1/2 face mask I know I do not get a good seal but it stops most of the stuff and if I am working in a loft full of fibre glass stuffing I do not get irritated by it, I do get irritated by it but not in the nose or throat :) , which I know I would if I did not have the mask.
We are increasingly asking for evidence of face fit testing on site when using face masks. To start the process you must be clean shaven.
When we have asbestos removal teams working they must always be clean shaven and generally carry a shaving kit with them.
Suffice to say if you aren’t clean shaven you aren’t getting the best service from your mask.
There is one mask which I can recommend which seems to buck the trend - the JSP Force 8. These are mandatory for our tradesmen (with P3 filters) partly because they allow you to grow a couple of days stubble and still retain a working face fit and partly because they have an effective self- test feature
I believe you can't be a UK firefighter with a beard for the same reason.
I remember watching 'London's Burning' (showing my age here) and I recall that being mentioned a lot. Not sure how accurate that programme was but it seems logical.

I've got a full beard and I'm my aware my Trend Stealth mask won't be doing everything it can so I make sure to get as much dust at source and have the air cleaner on. I'll be getting a power cap soon.
There is one mask which I can recommend which seems to buck the trend - the JSP Force 8. These are mandatory for our tradesmen (with P3 filters) partly because they allow you to grow a couple of days stubble and still retain a working face fit and partly because they have an effective self- test feature
I have just had a look at the data sheet on the JSP force 8 and it does mention “The assembled respirator may not provide a satisfactory face seal with certain physical characteristics (such as beards or large side burns) resulting in leakage between the facepiece and the face,”
Are you saying that the self test can be successful with stubble?
I'll just go for the10 year younger approach thank u....
most of my dusty jobs are done outside....I just look for wind direction.....esp when welding or sanding.....
The only way I can pass an FFP3 fit test is when clean shaven. The Wookies at work who insist their beard will filter C-19 can wear a powered hood.
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During the Falklands war all naval personnel entering the exclusion zone were required to be clean shaven so that gas masks would fit and seal properly. A lot of old salty chiefs and POs lost their sets. I have experienced wearing gas masks for extended periods of time whilst having a beard. Horrible... sweaty, itchy, scratchy!
Since I do have a full beard I found that a bit of lip salve or vaseline on the 'tache makes a diving mask seal, so I suppose covering your beard in vaseline would make the likes of an FFP3 seal too? :) No smoking though.