dust extraction


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You can have a dust collection system that is safe to vent back into the shop. The nice thing about the pleated paper filters is that they can filter down to 1 micron, which is the most harmful stuff to breathe in. They have much more surface area to vent through, so you get better air flow. As to collecting at the source, a hose does a fairly good job of getting a lot of the dust. Having a venting hood on the end of the hose is better, and for me, a sanding hood that encloses about 70% of the bowl gets all of the dust, so I don't need to wear a dust mask. I have sanded black walnut for 6 hours, and when I blew my nose, it was clean. Having a 3 hp industrial dust collection system helps. The smaller 1 hp systems work fine as well, but again, the bigger the hood and the more enclosed the piece being sanded is, the more dust your collector will get, and the less you will sniff up.

If you can, I would also recommend a 2 stage system. This is a cyclone which separates the big things like shavings, rags, chips (I got a light bulb once) from going through the impellers/fan blades of your collector. You will at least clog up the fan blades, and at worst bend or break them. You can make one, and I know of some that are lids to fit onto trash cans. Look up Oneida dust collector systems. They have some mini systems, but can give you a lot of ideas to build your own.

There are a number of air scrubbers as we call them to filter the fines out of the air. After sanding, leave your shop over night, then come back in while still dark, and shine a flash light through the air. You can see a lot of fine spots of dust floating through the air. This is what the air scrubbers remove.

If you don't have a dust filter, you become the dust filter.

robo hippy
Hello all,

another interesting dust discussion.If it helps anyone.... I am mostly a turner. I have a 4inch pipe system to my large extractor from my machines, this extractor has a large paper filter, cvleaned out each spring.

I also have a mocroclene above the lathe which runs for hours after I leave the shop.

I also use a trend airmask ( when I remember ).

Finally I clean the shop almost every day with a tiny b q vac attached to an oneida dust deputy, which is superb I have to say.

Despite all of the above dust still manages to settle on some surfaces,
you have just got to keep trying, we only get one pair of lungs.

Inwarmer weather I also use a very large fan to blow dust out of the door when I am sanding.......How much more careful do you think I clould be

I have persevered with the Trend but I find this model too top-heavy to be comfy for long periods.

Its encouraging that we all fail to eliminate all dust - maybe it time to stop trying.....
wabbitpoo":2b3rsphl said:
I have persevered with the Trend but I find this model too top-heavy to be comfy for long periods.
You're not alone, hence why I had to bite the bullet and spend half as much again for my current mask. It does have other benefits when using solvents as well, though it's best to make sure last nights curry was one you really enjoyed. :lol:

wabbitpoo":2b3rsphl said:
Its encouraging that we all fail to eliminate all dust - maybe it time to stop trying.....
I don't think so on the trying front, although there is obviously a level of protection that is adequate for personal protection, the long term health of yourself and shop visitors, especially family members more regularly exposed to the shop or your clothing can only benefit from the best you can achieve. More than one wife has succumbed to lung/allergy problems from washing hubby's clothing.
Bodrighy":2gbx0iks said:
Paul.J":2gbx0iks said:
CHJ wrote
More than one wife has succumbed to lung/allergy problems from washing hubby's clothing
How many times you been married than Chas :lol: :lol:

That would explain that harried look he often has :lol:


And possibly the need for a full NBC / Hot Zone extraction system?

CHJ you have convinced me that the way forward for me is to get a trend type airmask - but you have me now wondering which one to go for when a few threads ,as well as yourself , have mentioned the weight of the unit. :?

You're not alone, hence why I had to bite the bullet and spend half as much again for my current mask. It does have other benefits when using solvents as well, though it's best to make sure last nights curry was one you really enjoyed.

so the question now has to be what is your current mask :?:
cheers paul