You don't say what machines you'll be running, or your budget.
However, if your base comparator is a double camvac plus 68mm tubing, then perhaps consider going straight to 100mm?
100mm is cheaper to pipe (as monrose 6' sections; even cheaper as 110mm drainpipe). It gives you just over twice the capacity.
For the low pressure-high volume extractor, look for a 2-3 horse power extractore second hand.
Then put a cyclone (homemade or Axminster now have a 100mm version) ahead of it, and a HEPA cartridge as the exit (with poly bag below).
Two cam vacs will set you back £250 (or more depending on make); you can get a great second hand 2HP extractor with 1200mm^3/hour in 100mm for that.
A 100mm cyclone is £100 (or £50 home made); a 1um filter cartridge is £130.
Offset some saving on piping.
So for perhaps £100 more you can have a waaaay better system.