Hi All, Anyone use a dowel making tool , I have heard good and bad reports , any recommendations please .
For smaller dowels I use a dowel plate but start with square stock oversize - round off one end to fit in a cordless drill - then run the drill whilst pushing the stock through decreasing size holes till you get the desired size. This leaves a cleaner finish than hammering it.For large quantities of regularly sized dowel I buy it, life’s too short. For a few small dowels of odd size I have a dowel plate, a piece of 5mm plate with holes drilled in it from 3mm to 20mm. It works pretty well but is laborious as you have to cut stock square and a touch oversized then bang the pieces through plate multiple times to get to your desired size. The finish can be a little rough.
I did recently use the drill press and dowel plate to make dowels for drawboring the legs on my workbench, the dowels were indeed a much better finish. I was however limited by the travel of my drill press. I didn't think to try the hand drill as I assumed too much pressure would be needed, based on my experience of the hammer force needed. I shall give it a go next time, thanks for the pointer!For smaller dowels I use a dowel plate but start with square stock oversize - round off one end to fit in a cordless drill - then run the drill whilst pushing the stock through decreasing size holes till you get the desired size. This leaves a cleaner finish than hammering it.
For larger dowels, the Woodrat is very good although takes a little bit of set up.
For quantity, though, I agree buy in. I have bought from G&S before and these were good. https://www.toolsandtimber.co.uk/