Door stay/holder

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Established Member
11 May 2017
Reaction score
Deepest Sussex
My workshop faces east so I have to be careful to hold onto the double glazed door when the prevailing southerly wind is blowing strongly. If I don't it smashes back into the DG window. It hasn't smashed it yet but it's only a matter of time. So I'm looking for a suitable stay to stop the door going beyond about 90°. However I occasionally need to open it all the way back.
I've found two possibles but they don't seem to allow me to decouple them to open fully. They are:
Although I like the look of the second one it smacks of ££££££££££££. I'll have to get a quote yet it still doesn't fulfil the open all the way.

Does anyone have any better ideas or have you come across something that allows me to decouple the stay to allow me fully open the door?
Might be a bad idea but what about a bungie cord which you could unhook when needed. The problem with a lot of stays is that they bring the door to a complete stop too quickly in a windy situation, eventually this causes damage either to stay or the door.
Ps and it’s cheap - very cheap lol
Perhaps a stupid suggestion, but... Could you fit a rear door stopper from a van onto a normal door? The kind that opens at 90 degrees and then a lever opens it up to 180/270?
However I occasionally need to open it all the way back.

How often do you need the fully open? How much aggravation do you want to put up with to make it fully open?

Could you take a standard door restrictor (e.g., cut the bar and join it back together with a splice piece? Then you just remove one screw to disconnect the splice piece the odd time you need the door to open wide.

The same principle applies to any other one you find - look at potential candidates with the possibility of modification in mind.

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