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At the risk of sounding like a killjoy, am I the only one who thinks that it is only a triumph of technology over aestheticism? I think it looks hideous.
Trad dovetails would suit the piece infinitely better, would they not?

Grouchy Steve
am I the only one who thinks that it is only a triumph of technology over aestheticism

You are not alone there :) - I can't say I'm much taken with any of the Leigh isoloc non-dovetail joints - the only ones that may have some merit are the Bears Ears when used on something for a Teddy Bear besotted niece.

Those Incra double dovetails in contrasting woods start to look a bit tacky once you've seen a few of them as well IMHO.

Bah Humbug - just call me Victor Meldrew

Steve beat me to it. I think the isolock stuff looks hideous and somewhat artificial. A technical solution looking for a good use. Traditional dovetails would look great. Hidden dovetails would also look great...I guess Leigh has yet to find a way to do hidden isolocks.? More traditional joinery ( frame and panel) would add to the piece aethetically.

Leigh could have / should have chosen a different piece in order to show the isoloc. A near travesty on a period piece.

Like most of the replies, I cannot imagine I could find a use for them with what I typically make.

Take care, Mike
I'm another anti

MikeW":1qj9srqt said:
Like most of the replies, I cannot imagine I could find a use for them with what I typically make.

A case of a solution in search of a problem?


P.S. How's about running a poll on this? :lol:
I'm another in agreement, I think they would look just right on a kids project like a toy-box or something, but on a traditional piece, they look all at odds, hidden dovetails would have been my preferred choice.
Now whilst i have no desire to play devils advocate..........But I sort of like them in the right place
