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Disston #70 Dovetail Saw. http://www.disstonianinstitute.com/dvtl.html
Part of my hand tool collection. It was in rather poor condition when I purchased it. The handle shape matches that listed within Disston's 1918 Catalogue; much more refined in appearance than that shown within their later 1932 Catalogue. The 17 ppi saw teeth look to be in original condition and still remain very sharp. Saw plate length is 8"; 0.018 saw plate gauge; the 1 1/12" depth of usable plate exactly its listed specs; and the original manufacturers etch remains clearly visible. The handle is all original, apart from having a new stained finish applied. What remained of the original brass plating over the surface of the hard back was later lost during this saws refurbishment. Photo's taken today.
Part of my hand tool collection. It was in rather poor condition when I purchased it. The handle shape matches that listed within Disston's 1918 Catalogue; much more refined in appearance than that shown within their later 1932 Catalogue. The 17 ppi saw teeth look to be in original condition and still remain very sharp. Saw plate length is 8"; 0.018 saw plate gauge; the 1 1/12" depth of usable plate exactly its listed specs; and the original manufacturers etch remains clearly visible. The handle is all original, apart from having a new stained finish applied. What remained of the original brass plating over the surface of the hard back was later lost during this saws refurbishment. Photo's taken today.